How to make a GUI slider to control a variable
Creating a GUI slider is very simple. You simply generate a project with the GUI add on, initialize an ofxFloatSlider and gui, draw the gui, and link the slider to a specific variable.
When you generate your project, include the ofxGui addon.
When you open your app in xCode, you should see the gui add on source files here:
in the header file (.h)
Include the "ofxGui.h" file.
#include "ofxGui.h"
Initialize a slider and a panel. Here we will use ofxFloatSlider radius
to control the size of a circle. If you wish to work with intergers, use ofxIntSlider
ofxFloatSlider radius;
ofxPanel gui;
in the implementation file (.cpp)
Setup your panel named 'gui' and add the radius slider using gui.add()
. Here we are labeling the slider with the string "radius", starting the inital value at 140, and giving the slider a range of 10 to 300.
void ofApp::setup(){
gui.add(radius.setup("radius", 140, 10, 300));
For the sake of example, draw a circle in the draw()
function and pass the variable 'radius' as the third parameter.
void ofApp::draw(){
ofDrawCircle(ofGetWidth()/2, ofGetHeight()/2, radius);
When you run the app, move the radius slider back and forth to change the size of the circle.