class methods
- ofxXmlSettings()
- addAttribute()
- addTag()
- addValue()
- attributeExists()
- clear()
- clearTagAttributes()
- clearTagContents()
- copyXmlToString()
- getAttribute()
- getAttributeNames()
- getNumAttributes()
- getNumTags()
- getPushLevel()
- getValue()
- load()
- loadFile()
- loadFromBuffer()
- popTag()
- pushTag()
- removeAttribute()
- removeTag()
- save()
- saveFile()
- setAttribute()
- setValue()
- tagExists()
global functions
ofxXmlSettings addon allows for reading and writing of xml files in openFrameworks. Most commonly xml settings are used for storing settings between closing and launching apps. XML has the advantage of being easy for people to read and edit but still convenient for manipulating with code.
An xml document is composed of tags with values and other tags inside of them. A tag has a name, attributes, values. If a tag contains other tags they are called its children. If a tag is inside of another, the enclosing tag is called its parent. The tags next to one another are siblings.
<tagName attributeName="attributeValue">TagValue</tagName>
<siblingTag />
A very simple example for saving and loading values using ofxXmlSettings variable would look like this:
//put some some settings into a file
ofxXmlSettings settings;
settings.setValue("settings:blinkRate", 10);
settings.setValue("settings:gravity", 9.8);
settings.setValue("settings:sceneName", "field");
settings.saveFile("settings.xml"); //puts settings.xml file in the bin/data folder
The file this generates would look like this
To load the file again, use a snippet like the following
//now load that same file and get the values out
ofxXmlSettings settings;
int blinkRate = settings.getValue("settings:blinkRate", 0.0);
float gravity = settings.getValue("settings:gravity", 0);
string sceneName = settings.getValue("settings:sceneName", "defaultScene");
A more complex example involving saving an array.
ofxXmlSettings positions;
//points is a vector<ofPoint> that we want to save to a file
for(int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++){
//each position tag represents one point
//so set the three values in the file
positions.addValue("X", points[i].x);
positions.addValue("Y", points[i].y);
positions.addValue("Z", points[i].z);
positions.popTag();//pop position
positions.popTag(); //pop position
//This is how you would load that very same file
ofxXmlSettings settings;
int numberOfSavedPoints = settings.getNumTags("position");
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfSavedPoints; i++){
settings.pushTag("position", i);
ofPoint p;
p.x = settings.getValue("X", 0);
p.y = settings.getValue("Y", 0);
p.z = settings.getValue("Z", 0);
settings.popTag(); //pop position
ofLogError("Position file did not load!");
What is this "which" argument I see everywhere used for?
Most of the time you can ignore this and treat it as if it weren't there. But if specified it selects the nth tag with the same tag name at the current root of the document Normally this just means the top level tags in the document - but if you use the pushTag and popTag you can temporarily set the root of the document to be that specified tag. The main idea is to allow you to have multiple tags with the same name.
Here is an example:
<time>102229</time> <-- which = 0
<time>298292</time> <-- which = 1
<time>393393</time> <-- which = 2
<time>447373</time> <-- which = 3
But if we wanted to group these into multiple
<recording> <-- we temporarily push into here with pushTag("recording", 0);
<time>19222</time> <-- to set this we call setValue("time", 19222, 0); ( which = 0 )
<time>23232</time> <-- to set this we call setValue("time", 23232, 1); ( which = 1 )
</recording> <-- we pop back out here with popTag();
<recording> <-- we temporarily push into here with pushTag("recording", 1); <-- now we use 1 to select the 2nd recording tag
<time>33342</time> <-- setValue("time", 33342, 0); ( which = 0 )
<time>22722</time> <-- setValue("time", 22722, 0); ( which = 1 )
Default constructor for ofxXmlSettings. Initializes an empty object with no file set or loaded and no contents.
ofxXmlSettings::ofxXmlSettings(const __cxx11::string &xmlFile)
Initializes an xml settings object and loads the file at xmlFile path.
int ofxXmlSettings::addAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, const __cxx11::string &value)
Adds a new attribute to the tag with with the given string value.
int ofxXmlSettings::addAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, const __cxx11::string &value, int which=0)
Adds a new attribute to the tag with the given string value.
int ofxXmlSettings::addAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, double value)
Adds a new attribute to the tag with with the given double value.
int ofxXmlSettings::addAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, double value, int which=0)
Adds a new attribute to the tag with the given double value.
int ofxXmlSettings::addAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, int value)
Adds a new attribute to the tag with with the given int value.
int ofxXmlSettings::addAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, int value, int which=0)
Adds a new attribute to the tag with with the given int value. If the tag doesn't exist it is created. If an attribute at index 'which' already exists its value replaced by the provided value
int ofxXmlSettings::addTag(const __cxx11::string &tag)
Adds an empty tag at the current document level. If you want to add children tags, call pushTag afterwords to begin editing the document with the new tag as root.
Return the number of tags with the same name at the current level.
int ofxXmlSettings::addValue(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &value)
Adds a tag with tag name and string value to the document, returning the number of tags with the same name.
int ofxXmlSettings::addValue(const __cxx11::string &tag, double value)
Adds a tag with tag name and double value to the document, returning the number of tags with the same name.
int ofxXmlSettings::addValue(const __cxx11::string &tag, int value)
Adds a tag with tag name and integer value to the document, returning the number of tags with the same name.
addValue and setValue are very similar, both add new tags to the current document with the given name and value. The distinction is that if tags exist with the same name at the current document level, addValue will create additional tags, while setValue will replace contents of the tags based on the 'which' parameter.
bool ofxXmlSettings::attributeExists(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, int which=0)
Returns true if a tag has any attributes.
void ofxXmlSettings::clearTagAttributes(const __cxx11::string &tag, int which=0)
Clears all attributes from the given tag name and tag index which.
void ofxXmlSettings::clearTagContents(const __cxx11::string &tag, int which=0)
If the given tag exists at the current pushTag level set its contents to empty.
void ofxXmlSettings::copyXmlToString(__cxx11::string &str)
Copies the contents of the ofxXmlSettings into the string str.
__cxx11::string ofxXmlSettings::getAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, const __cxx11::string &defaultValue, int which=0)
Returns the value of the attribute on tag at index which as a string.
double ofxXmlSettings::getAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, double defaultValue, int which=0)
Returns the value of the attribute on tag at index which as a double.
int ofxXmlSettings::getAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, int defaultValue, int which=0)
Returns the value of the attribute on tag at index which as an int.
bool ofxXmlSettings::getAttributeNames(const __cxx11::string &tag, int &outNames, int which=0)
Returns an array of strings containing all attribute names on the tag. This is useful in conjunction with a loop to get all values of the tags one by one with calls to getAttribute.
int ofxXmlSettings::getNumAttributes(const __cxx11::string &tag, int which=0)
Returns the number of attributes on a tag at index which.
int ofxXmlSettings::getNumTags(const __cxx11::string &tag)
Returns the number of tags with the given name at the current document level. Useful for iterating through a list of sibling tags with the same name.
int ofxXmlSettings::getPushLevel()
getPushLevel returns the number of tags that have been pushed. Starting at 0 when the file is first populated (eg a call to loadFile). Each time pushTag is called push level increases by one. Each time popTag is called it decreases.
__cxx11::string ofxXmlSettings::getValue(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &defaultValue, int which=0)
Returns the value stored by the requested tag as a string. Refer above for description of how this method works.
double ofxXmlSettings::getValue(const __cxx11::string &tag, double defaultValue, int which=0)
Returns the value stored by the requested tag as a double. Refer above for description of how this method works.
int ofxXmlSettings::getValue(const __cxx11::string &tag, int defaultValue, int which=0)
Returns the value stored by the requested tag. The data type returned depends on the type provided as the defaultArgument. For example, if the tag is:
The value can be interpreted in three different ways, as a float, int, or string by changing the default type provided to the call.
//returns "9.8"
string myString = settings.getValue("myTag", "");
//returns the integer value 9
int myInt = settings.getValue("myTag", 0);
//returns the double value 9.8
double myDouble = settings.getValue("myTag", 0.0);
bool ofxXmlSettings::loadFile(const __cxx11::string &xmlFile)
Loads and parses the xml file at the given path. Returns true if the file is found and is correctly formatted xml.
bool ofxXmlSettings::loadFromBuffer(__cxx11::string buffer)
Populates the ofxXmlSettings object from a string of containing xml.
int ofxXmlSettings::popTag()
popTag restores the current document root after a call to pushTag.
bool ofxXmlSettings::pushTag(const __cxx11::string &tag, int which=0)
Pushing and Popping operations are used to set the current document level. Most of the methods in ofxXmlSettings are done in relationship to just the top level tags, so pushing tags is necessary to go deeper into documents. Every pushTag should be matched with a popTag after operations at that level are finished.
pushingTag pushes the given tag which is then treated as the tag as as the document root.
void ofxXmlSettings::removeAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, int which=0)
Removes the attribute from tag name at index specified by 'which'.
void ofxXmlSettings::removeTag(const __cxx11::string &tag, int which=0)
Removes a tag from the current level. This differs from clearing it in that the entire tag is removed, rather than just its contents being set to empty.
bool ofxXmlSettings::saveFile()
Saves the current state of the xml file to its current path. The current path is defined by whatever path was specified when loadFile(xmlFile) or saveFile(xmlFile) was last called.
bool ofxXmlSettings::saveFile(const __cxx11::string &xmlFile)
Saves the current state of the xml settings object to file at xmlFile path.
int ofxXmlSettings::setAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, const __cxx11::string &value)
Refer to addAttribute
int ofxXmlSettings::setAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, const __cxx11::string &value, int which=0)
Refer to addAttribute
int ofxXmlSettings::setAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, double value)
Refer to addAttribute
int ofxXmlSettings::setAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, double value, int which=0)
Refer to addAttribute
int ofxXmlSettings::setAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, int value)
Refer to addAttribute
int ofxXmlSettings::setAttribute(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &attribute, int value, int which=0)
Returns the value of the attribute on tag as a double.
int ofxXmlSettings::setValue(const __cxx11::string &tag, const __cxx11::string &value, int which=0)
Sets the value of a tag to a string value. If the tag already exists, the current value is replaced with value otherwise a new tag is created.
The number of tags with the same name at the current document level is returned.
int ofxXmlSettings::setValue(const __cxx11::string &tag, double value, int which=0)
Sets the value of a tag to an integer value. If the tag already exists, the current value is replaced with value otherwise a new tag is created.
The number of tags with the same name at the current document level is returned.
int ofxXmlSettings::setValue(const __cxx11::string &tag, int value, int which=0)
Sets the value of a tag to an integer value. If the tag already exists, the current value is replaced with value. Otherwise a new tag is created.
The number of tags with the same name at the current document level is returned.
bool ofxXmlSettings::tagExists(const __cxx11::string &tag, int which=0)
Returns true if the given tag exists at the current pushTag level.
void ofDeserialize(const ofxXmlSettings &settings, ofAbstractParameter ¶meter)
Last updated Tuesday, 19 November 2024 17:23:28 UTC - 2537ee49f6d46d5fe98e408849448314fd1f180e
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