class methods
ofTimer lets you run code periodically with the specified frequency. Use it on a class that extends ofThread.
class Scheduler: public ofThread {
Scheduler() {
timer.setPeriodicEvent(1000000000); // this is 1 second in nanoseconds
ofTimer timer;
void threadedFunction() {
while(isThreadRunning()) {
// Do your thing here. It will run once per second.
The timer above will wake up at 1 second intervals no matter how long the rest of the task takes. If the last execution took more than 1 second, it'll wake up right away and execute the next. It uses the most accurate timing functions in every OS.
Reset the starting instant of the periodic event to now.
Sets the frequency in \p nanoseconds that events happen.
The timer will begin calculating the events beginning the moment the function is called.
nanoseconds The number of nanoseconds between events.
Sleep this thread until the next periodic event.
Last updated 星期二, 19 十一月 2024 17:25:43 UTC - 2537ee49f6d46d5fe98e408849448314fd1f180e
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