global functions
void ofSystemAlertDialog(string errorMessage)
Documentation from code comments
show an error message in an alert dialog box
ofFileDialogResult ofSystemLoadDialog(string windowTitle, bool bFolderSelection=false, string defaultPath)
ofFileDialogResult result = ofSystemLoadDialog("Load file");
if(result.bSuccess) {
string path = result.getPath();
// load your file at `path`
See also: ofFileDialogResult.
Documentation from code comments
show a file load dialog box
windowTitle optional window title string, ie. "Load background image"
bFolderSelection set to true to allow folder selection
defaultPath optional default directory path to start the dialog in, ie. ofFilePath::getUserHomeDir() \return dialog result with selection (if any)
ofFileDialogResult ofSystemSaveDialog(string defaultName, string messageName)
ofFileDialogResult result = ofSystemSaveDialog("default.jpg", "Save");
if(result.bSuccess) {
string path = result.getPath();
// save your file to `path`
See also: ofFileDialogResult.
Documentation from code comments
show a file save dialog box
defaultName suggested filename to start dialog, ie "screenshot.png"
messageName descriptive text for the save action, ie. "Saving screenshot as" \return dialog result with selection (if any)
string ofSystemTextBoxDialog(string question, string text)
Documentation from code comments
show a text entry dialog box
question descriptive text for the text entry, ie. "What's your favorite color?"
text optional default text entry string, ie. "blue"
Last updated 星期二, 19 十一月 2024 17:26:26 UTC - 2537ee49f6d46d5fe98e408849448314fd1f180e
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