class methods
- ofRendererCollection()
- ~ofRendererCollection()
- background()
- bind()
- clear()
- clearAlpha()
- disableAntiAliasing()
- disablePointSprites()
- draw()
- drawCircle()
- drawEllipse()
- drawLine()
- drawRectangle()
- drawString()
- drawTriangle()
- enableAntiAliasing()
- enablePointSprites()
- finishRender()
- get3dGraphics()
- getBackgroundAuto()
- getBackgroundColor()
- getCoordHandedness()
- getCurrentMatrix()
- getCurrentNormalMatrix()
- getCurrentOrientationMatrix()
- getCurrentViewMatrix()
- getCurrentViewport()
- getFillMode()
- getGLRenderer()
- getNativeViewport()
- getPath()
- getRectMode()
- getStyle()
- getType()
- getViewportHeight()
- getViewportWidth()
- isVFlipped()
- loadIdentityMatrix()
- loadMatrix()
- loadViewMatrix()
- matrixMode()
- multMatrix()
- multViewMatrix()
- popMatrix()
- popStyle()
- popView()
- pushMatrix()
- pushStyle()
- pushView()
- rendersPathPrimitives()
- rotateDeg()
- rotateRad()
- rotateXDeg()
- rotateXRad()
- rotateYDeg()
- rotateYRad()
- rotateZDeg()
- rotateZRad()
- scale()
- setBackgroundAuto()
- setBackgroundColor()
- setBitmapTextMode()
- setBlendMode()
- setCircleResolution()
- setColor()
- setCoordHandedness()
- setCurveResolution()
- setDepthTest()
- setFillMode()
- setHexColor()
- setLineSmoothing()
- setLineWidth()
- setOrientation()
- setPolyMode()
- setRectMode()
- setStyle()
- setupGraphicDefaults()
- setupScreen()
- setupScreenOrtho()
- setupScreenPerspective()
- startRender()
- translate()
- unbind()
- viewport()
This class extends others, you can call their methods on an instance of ofRendererCollection too:
void ofRendererCollection::draw(const ofBaseVideoDraws &video, float x, float y, float w, float h)
void ofRendererCollection::draw(const ofFloatImage &img, float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh)
void ofRendererCollection::draw(const ofImage &img, float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh)
void ofRendererCollection::draw(const ofMesh &vertexData, ofPolyRenderMode mode, bool useColors, bool useTextures, bool useNormals)
void ofRendererCollection::draw(const ofShortImage &img, float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh)
void ofRendererCollection::drawEllipse(float x, float y, float z, float width, float height)
void ofRendererCollection::drawLine(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2)
void ofRendererCollection::drawRectangle(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h)
void ofRendererCollection::drawString(const ofTrueTypeFont &font, string text, float x, float y)
void ofRendererCollection::drawTriangle(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float x3, float y3, float z3)
void ofRendererCollection::rotateDeg(float degrees, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ)
void ofRendererCollection::rotateRad(float radians, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ)
void ofRendererCollection::setOrientation(ofOrientation orientation, bool vflip)
void ofRendererCollection::setupScreenOrtho(float width, float height, float nearDist, float farDist)
void ofRendererCollection::setupScreenPerspective(float width, float height, float fov, float nearDist, float farDist)
void ofRendererCollection::viewport(float x, float y, float width, float height, bool vflip=true)
Last updated 星期六, 17 八月 2024 20:46:36 UTC - 99bfb4fd7929e233b87b05758efc36f91505592e
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