class methods
- ~ofBaseRenderer()
- background()
- bind()
- clear()
- clearAlpha()
- disableAntiAliasing()
- draw()
- drawArrow()
- drawAxis()
- drawBox()
- drawCircle()
- drawCone()
- drawCylinder()
- drawEllipse()
- drawGrid()
- drawGridPlane()
- drawIcoSphere()
- drawLine()
- drawPlane()
- drawRectangle()
- drawRotationAxes()
- drawSphere()
- drawString()
- drawTriangle()
- enableAntiAliasing()
- finishRender()
- get3dGraphics()
- getBackgroundAuto()
- getBackgroundColor()
- getBoxResolution()
- getConeResolution()
- getCoordHandedness()
- getCurrentMatrix()
- getCurrentNormalMatrix()
- getCurrentOrientationMatrix()
- getCurrentViewMatrix()
- getCurrentViewport()
- getCylinderResolution()
- getFillMode()
- getIcoSphereResolution()
- getNativeViewport()
- getPath()
- getPlaneResolution()
- getRectMode()
- getSphereResolution()
- getStyle()
- getType()
- getViewportHeight()
- getViewportWidth()
- isVFlipped()
- loadIdentityMatrix()
- loadMatrix()
- loadViewMatrix()
- matrixMode()
- multMatrix()
- multViewMatrix()
- popMatrix()
- popStyle()
- popView()
- pushMatrix()
- pushStyle()
- pushView()
- rotateDeg()
- rotateRad()
- rotateXDeg()
- rotateXRad()
- rotateYDeg()
- rotateYRad()
- rotateZDeg()
- rotateZRad()
- scale()
- setBackgroundAuto()
- setBackgroundColor()
- setBitmapTextMode()
- setBlendMode()
- setBoxResolution()
- setCircleResolution()
- setColor()
- setConeResolution()
- setCoordHandedness()
- setCurveResolution()
- setCylinderResolution()
- setDepthTest()
- setFillMode()
- setHexColor()
- setIcoSphereResolution()
- setLineSmoothing()
- setLineWidth()
- setOrientation()
- setPlaneResolution()
- setPolyMode()
- setRectMode()
- setSphereResolution()
- setStyle()
- setupGraphicDefaults()
- setupScreen()
- setupScreenOrtho()
- setupScreenPerspective()
- startRender()
- translate()
- unbind()
- viewport()
Documentation from code comments
The base renderer interface.
void ofBaseRenderer::background(const ofColor &c)
Documentation from code comments
Immediately paint a background color to the screen.
If automatic background drawing is enabled (which it is by default) this method called from ofApp::setup() will also repaint the background with this color each frame.
c The color to paint the background with.
void ofBaseRenderer::background(float brightness)
Documentation from code comments
Immediately paint a grayscale background color to the screen.
If automatic background drawing is enabled (which it is by default) this method called from ofApp::setup() will also repaint the background with this color each frame.
brightness The grayscale value between 0 and 255 to paint the background with.
void ofBaseRenderer::background(int hexColor, float _a=255.0f)
Documentation from code comments
Immediately paint a grayscale background color to the screen.
If automatic background drawing is enabled (which it is by default) this method called from ofApp::setup() will also repaint the background with this color each frame.
hexColor The 24-bit hex representation of the color to paint the background with.
_a The alpha value between 0 and 255 to apply to \p hexColor when when painting the background.
void ofBaseRenderer::background(int r, int g, int b, int a=255)
Documentation from code comments
Immediately paint a background color to the screen.
r The red value between 0 and 255 to use for the background.
g The green value between 0 and 255 to use for the background.
b The blue value between 0 and 255 to use for the background.
a The alpha value between 0 and 255 to use for the background.
void ofBaseRenderer::bind(const ofCamera &camera, const ofRectangle &viewport)
Documentation from code comments
Bind \p camera's matrices to this renderer's matrix stack.
Bind's the \p camera's modelview and projection matrices to this renderer's matrix stack using \p viewport. Should be followed with a call to unbind().
camera The camera to bind to this renderer.
viewport The viewport to use when binding \p camera to this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::clear()
Documentation from code comments
Clear this renderer's current color and bit depths.
clear() will clear the screen entirely.
void ofBaseRenderer::clear(float brightness, float a)
Documentation from code comments
Clear this renderer's color and bit depths replacing them.
clear() will clear the screen entirely.
brightness The grayscale value between 0 and 255 to use when clearing the screen.
a The alpha value between 0 and 255 to use when clearing the screen. Defaults to 0.
void ofBaseRenderer::clear(float r, float g, float b, float a)
Documentation from code comments
Clear this renderer's color and bit depths and replace them.
clear() will clear the screen entirely.
r The red value between 0 and 255 to use when clearing the screen.
g The green value between 0 and 255 to use when clearing the screen.
b The blue value between 0 and 255 use when clearing the screen.
a The alpha value between 0 and 255 use when clearing the screen. Defaults to 0.
void ofBaseRenderer::clearAlpha()
Documentation from code comments
Restore the alpha color to its full opacity value.
void ofBaseRenderer::disableAntiAliasing()
Documentation from code comments
Disable this renderer from using anti-aliasing.
void ofBaseRenderer::draw(const of3dPrimitive &model, ofPolyRenderMode renderType)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a \p model with this renderer using the \p renderType.
\p renderType defines how the \p model will be rendered and may be: OF_MESH_POINTS, OF_MESH_WIREFRAME, OF_MESH_FILL
model The model to draw with this renderer.
renderType The render mode to use when drawing the \p model with this renderer.
See also: ofPolyRenderMode
void ofBaseRenderer::draw(const ofBaseVideoDraws &video, float x, float y, float w, float h)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a \p video with this renderer.
video The video with draw with this renderer.
x The x coordinate to use to draw \p video with this renderer.
y The y coordinate to use to draw \p video with this renderer.
w The width to use to draw the video with this renderer.
h The height to use to draw the video with this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::draw(const ofFloatImage &image, float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh)
Documentation from code comments
Draw an \p image with this renderer.
image The image to draw with this renderer.
x The x coordinate to use to draw \p image with this renderer.
y The y coordinate to use to draw \p image with this renderer.
z The z coordinate to use to draw \p image with this renderer.
w The width to use to draw \p image with this renderer.
h The height to use to draw \p image with this renderer.
sx The subsection x axis offset within the image texture.
sy The subsection y axis offset within the image texture.
sw The subsection width offset within the image texture.
sh The subsection height offset within the image texture.
void ofBaseRenderer::draw(const ofImage &image, float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh)
Documentation from code comments
Draw an \p image with this renderer.
image The image to draw with this renderer.
x The x coordinate to use when drawing \p image with this renderer.
y The y coordinate to use to draw \p image with this renderer.
z The z coordinate to use to drawing \p image with this renderer.
w The width to use to draw the \p image with this renderer.
h The height to use to draw the \p image with this renderer.
sx The subsection x axis offset within the image texture.
sy The subsection y axis offset within the image texture.
sw The subsection width offset within the image texture.
sh The subsection height offset within the image texture.
void ofBaseRenderer::draw(const ofMesh &mesh, ofPolyRenderMode renderType)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a \p mesh with this renderer using the \p renderType.
\p renderType defines how the \p mesh will be rendered and may be: OF_MESH_POINTS, OF_MESH_WIREFRAME, OF_MESH_FILL
mesh The mesh to draw with this renderer.
renderType The render mode to use to draw \p mesh with this renderer.
See also: ofPolyRenderMode
void ofBaseRenderer::draw(const ofMesh &vertexData, ofPolyRenderMode renderType, bool useColors, bool useTextures, bool useNormals)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a mesh with this renderer.
\p renderType defines how the \p mesh will be rendered and may be: OF_MESH_POINTS, OF_MESH_WIREFRAME, OF_MESH_FILL
vertexData The mesh to draw with this renderer.
renderType The render mode to use to draw \p vertexData to this renderer.
useColors True to use per-vertex coloring to draw the \p vertexData.
useTextures True to use texture coordinates to draw the \p vertexData.
useNormals True to use normals to draw the \p vertexData.
See also: ofPolyRenderMode
void ofBaseRenderer::draw(const ofNode &model)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a node with this renderer using ofNode::customDraw().
model The node to draw with this renderer.
See also: ofNode::customDraw()
void ofBaseRenderer::draw(const ofPath &shape)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a path with this renderer.
shape The path to draw with this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::draw(const ofPath &shape, float x, float y)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a path with this renderer at \p x and \p y.
shape The path to draw with this renderer.
x The x coordinate to use to draw \p shape.
y The y coordinate to use to draw \p shape.
void ofBaseRenderer::draw(const ofPolyline &poly)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a polyline with this renderer.
poly The polyline to draw with this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::draw(const ofShortImage &image, float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh)
Documentation from code comments
Draw an \p image with this renderer.
image The image to draw with this renderer.
x The x coordinate to use to draw \p image with this renderer.
y The y coordinate to use to draw \p image with this renderer.
z The z coordinate to use to draw \p image with this renderer.
w The width to use when drawing the image with this renderer.
h The height to use when drawing the image with this renderer.
sx The subsection x axis offset within the image texture.
sy The subsection y axis offset within the image texture.
sw The subsection width offset within the image texture.
sh The subsection height offset within the image texture.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawArrow(const glm::vec3 &start, const glm::vec3 &end, float headSize)
Documentation from code comments
Draw an arrow between two 3D points. start The 3D vector to use as the first point. end The 3D vector to use as the second point. \float headSize The size of the arrowhead.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawAxis(float size)
Documentation from code comments
Draw the coordinate system's axes with the renderer.
This draws a red, green, and blue lines for the x, y, and z axes respectively. This can be helpful when trying to orient other objects in respect to the coordinate system.
size The length to draw each axis line.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawBox(const glm::vec3 &position, float size)
Documentation from code comments
Draws a cube with the specified size, starting from the specified position.
A cube is drawn starting from a 3D reference position, with the specified size. The cube is drawn with the current color, e.g. set with ofSetColor(). The cube is drawn filled by default; change this with ofFill().
position an glm::vec3 which contains the (x,y,z) coordinates for the cube's reference corner.
size The size of the cube.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawBox(const glm::vec3 &position, float width, float height, float depth)
Documentation from code comments
Draws a rectangular box using position, width, height and depth.
A box is a rectangular solid: an extruded rectangle. It is drawn starting from a 3D reference coordinate. It has a width (in x), a height (in y), and a depth (in z). The box is drawn with the current color, e.g. set with ofSetColor(). The box is drawn filled by default; change this with ofFill();
position an glm::vec3 which contains the (x,y,z) coordinates for the box's reference corner.
width The width of the box.
height The height of the box.
depth The depth of the box.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawBox(float size)
Documentation from code comments
Draws a cube with the specified size at the origin.
The cube is drawn with the current color, e.g. set with ofSetColor(). The cube is drawn filled by default; change this with ofFill();
size The size of the cube.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawBox(float width, float height, float depth)
Documentation from code comments
Draws a rectangular box with the specified dimensions, starting from the origin.
A box is a rectangular solid: an extruded rectangle. It is drawn starting from the origin of the current reference frame. It has a width (in x), a height (in y), and a depth (in z). The box is drawn with the current color, e.g. set with ofSetColor(). The box is drawn filled by default; change this with ofFill();
width The width of the box.
height The height of the box.
depth The depth of the box.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawBox(float x, float y, float z, float size)
Documentation from code comments
Draws a cube using x, y, z, and size. coordinates.
A cube is a rectangular solid bounded by six square faces of equal size. It is also known as a regular hexahedron, a square parallelepiped, an equilateral cuboid and a right rhombohedron. It is a regular square prism in three orientations.
It is drawn starting from a 3D reference coordinate, with the specified size. The cube is drawn with the current color, e.g. set with ofSetColor(). The cube is drawn filled by default; change this with ofFill().
x The x-coordinate of the cube's origin.
y The y-coordinate of the cube's origin.
z The z-coordinate of the cube's origin.
size The size of the cube.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawBox(float x, float y, float z, float width, float height, float depth)
Documentation from code comments
Draws a rectangular box using x, y, z, width, height, and depth.
A box is a rectangular solid: an extruded rectangle. It is drawn starting from a 3D reference coordinate. It has a width (in x), a height (in y), and a depth (in z). The box is drawn with the current color, e.g. set with ofSetColor(). The box is drawn filled by default; change this with ofFill();
x The x-coordinate of the box's origin.
y The y-coordinate of the box's origin.
z The z-coordinate of the box's origin.
width The width of the box.
height The height of the box.
depth The depth of the box.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawCircle(float x, float y, float z, float radius)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a circle using a 3D point and a radius.
x The x coordinate of the center of the circle.
y The y coordinate of the center of the circle.
z The z coordinate of the center of the circle.
radius The length of the radius of the circle.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawCone(const glm::vec3 &position, float radius, float height)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a cone with this renderer using x, y, z, radius, and height.
Cones are drawn with x, y, and z coordinates representing the centroid of the cone. \p Radius is the radius of the cone's circular footprint and \p height representing the height of the cone's.
position The 3D point representing this cone's position.
radius The radius to use when drawing this cone's circular footprint.
height The height to use when drawing this cone.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawCone(float radius, float height)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a cone at the origin using radius and height.
This cone will be drawn with its position at the coordinate system's origin. \p Radius is the radius of the cone's circular footprint and \p height representing the height of the cone.
radius The radius to use when drawing this cone's circular footprint.
height The height to use when drawing this cone.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawCone(float x, float y, float radius, float height)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a cone with this renderer using x, y, z, radius, and height.
Cones are drawn with x, y, and z coordinates representing the centroid of the cylinder. Radius is the radius of the cone's circular footprint and height representing the height of the cone's.
x The x coordinate to use when drawing this cone.
y The y coordinate to use when drawing this cone.
radius The radius to use when drawing this cone's circular footprint.
height The height to use when drawing this cone.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawCone(float x, float y, float z, float radius, float height)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a cone with this renderer using x, y, z, radius, and height.
Cones are drawn with x, y, and z coordinates representing the centroid of the cone. Radius is the radius of the cone's circular footprint and height representing the height of the cone.
x The x coordinate to use when drawing this cone.
y The y coordinate to use when drawing this cone.
z The z coordinate to use when drawing this cone.
radius The radius to use when drawing this cone's circular footprint.
height The height to use when drawing this cone.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawCylinder(const glm::vec3 &position, float radius, float height)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a cylinder with this renderer using position, radius, and height.
Cyliners are drawn with x, y, and z coordinates representing the centroid of the cylinder. Radius is the radius of the cylinder's circular footprint and height representing the height of the cylinder.
position The 3D point to use as a position coordinate when drawing this cylinder.
radius The radius to use when drawing this cylinder's circular footprint.
height The height to use when drawing this cylinder.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawCylinder(float radius, float height)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a cylinder at the origin using radius and height.
A cylinder drawn in this way will be positioned at the origin. Radius is the radius of the cylinder's circular footprint and height representing the height of the cylinder.
radius The radius to use when drawing this cylinder's circular footprint.
height The height to use when drawing this cylinder.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawCylinder(float x, float y, float radius, float height)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a cylinder with this renderer using x, y, radius, and height.
Cyliners are drawn with x, y, and z coordinates representing the centroid of the cylinder. Radius is the radius of the cylinder's circular footprint and height representing the height of the cylinder.
x The x coordinate to use when drawing this cylinder.
y The y coordinate to use when drawing this cylinder.
radius The radius to use when drawing this cylinder's circular footprint.
height The height to use when drawing this cylinder.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawCylinder(float x, float y, float z, float radius, float height)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a cylinder with this renderer using x, y, z, radius, and height.
Cyliners are drawn with x, y, and z coordinates representing the centroid of the cylinder. Radius is the radius of the cylinder's circular footprint and height representing the height of the cylinder.
x The x coordinate to use when drawing this cylinder.
y The y coordinate to use when drawing this cylinder.
z The z coordinate to use when drawing this cylinder.
radius The radius to use when drawing this cylinder's circular footprint.
height The height to use when drawing this cylinder.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawEllipse(float x, float y, float z, float width, float height)
Documentation from code comments
Draw an ellipse using a 3D point, width, and height.
x The x coordinate of the center of the circle.
y The y coordinate of the center of the circle.
z The z coordinate of the center of the circle.
width The width of the circle.
height The height of the circle.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawGrid(float stepSize, size_t numberOfSteps, bool labels, bool x, bool y, bool z)
Documentation from code comments
Draw the coordinate system's axes as a grid with the renderer.
stepSize The size of each row/column in each axis grid.
numberOfSteps The number of rows/columns in each axis grid.
labels True to draw the name and values of the axis as a bitmap string.
x True to draw the x axis.
y True to draw the y axis.
z True to draw the z axis.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawGridPlane(float stepSize, size_t numberOfSteps, bool labels)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a coordinate system plane using the y and z axes.
stepSize The size of each row/column on the axis grid.
numberOfSteps The number of rows/columns on the axis grid.
labels True to draw the names and values of the axes.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawIcoSphere(const glm::vec3 &position, float radius)
Documentation from code comments
Draw an icosphere with this renderer using x, y, and radius.
Icospheres are drawn with x, y, and z coordinates representing the center of the icosphere.
position The 3D position point to use when drawing the icosphere.
radius The radius to use when drawing this icosphere.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawIcoSphere(float radius)
Documentation from code comments
Draw an icosphere with the renderer at the origin using radius.
radius The radius to use when drawing the icosphere with this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawIcoSphere(float x, float y, float radius)
Documentation from code comments
Draw an icosphere with this renderer using x, y, and radius.
Spheres are drawn with x, y, and z coordinates representing the center of the icosphere.
x The x coordinate to use when drawing this icosphere.
y The y coordinate to use when drawing this icosphere.
radius The radius to use when drawing this icosphere.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawIcoSphere(float x, float y, float z, float radius)
Documentation from code comments
Draw an icosphere with this renderer using x, y, and radius.
Spheres are drawn with x, y, and z coordinates representing the center of the icosphere.
x The x coordinate to use when drawing this icosphere.
y The y coordinate to use when drawing this icosphere.
z The z coordinate to use when drawing this icosphere.
radius The radius to use when drawing this icosphere.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawLine(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a line between two 3D points.
x1 The x coordinate of the first point.
y1 The y coordinate of the first point.
z1 The z coordinate of the first point.
x2 The x coordinate of the second point.
y2 The y coordinate of the second point.
z2 The z coordinate of the second point.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawPlane(float width, float height)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a plane with the renderer at the origin.
The number of rows and columns this plane will have is dependent on this renderer's current plane resolution set with setPlaneResolution().
width The width of the plane to use when drawing the plane with this renderer.
height The height to use when drawing the plane with this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawPlane(float x, float y, float width, float height)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a plane with the renderer using x, y, width, and height.
The number of rows and columns this plane will have is dependent on this renderer's current plane resolution set with setPlaneResolution().
x The x coordinate to use when drawing the plane with this renderer.
y The y coordinate to use when drawing the plane with this renderer.
width The width to use when drawing the plane with this renderer.
height The height to use when drawing the plane with this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawPlane(float x, float y, float z, float width, float height)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a plane with the renderer using x, y, z, width, and height.
The number of rows and columns this plane will have is dependent on this renderer's current plane resolution set with setPlaneResolution().
x The x coordinate to use when drawing the plane with this renderer.
y The y coordinate to use when drawing the plane with this renderer.
z The z coordinate to use when drawing the plane with this renderer.
width The width to use when drawing the plane with this renderer.
height The height to use when drawing the plane with this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawPlane(glm::vec3 &position, float width, float height)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a plane with the renderer using a 3D point, width, and height.
The number of rows and columns this plane will have is dependent on this renderer's current plane resolution set with setPlaneResolution().
position A 3D point to use as the position to draw the plane with this renderer.
width The width to use when drawing the plane with this renderer.
height The height to use when drawing the plane with this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawRectangle(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a rectangle using a 3D point and a width and height.
x The x coordinate of the rectangle.
y The y coordinate of the rectangle.
z The z coordinate of the rectangle.
w The width of the rectangle.
h The height of the rectangle.
See also: ofRectMode
void ofBaseRenderer::drawRotationAxes(float radius, float stripWidth, int circleRes)
Documentation from code comments
Draw the coordinate system's axes with the renderer.
This draws red, green, and blue lines for the x, y, and z rotation axes respectively. This can be helpful when trying to orient other object's rotation in respect to the coordinate system.
radius The radius to draw the rotation axes with.
stripWidth The width of each axis line.
circleRes The circle resolution to use when drawing the axes.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawSphere(const glm::vec3 &position, float radius)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a sphere with this renderer using a position point and radius.
Spheres are drawn with x, y, and z coordinates representing the center of the sphere.
position The 3D position point to use when drawing the sphere.
radius The radius to use when drawing this sphere.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawSphere(float radius)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a sphere with the renderer at the defualt origin using radius.
radius The radius to use when drawing the sphere with this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawSphere(float x, float y, float radius)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a sphere with this renderer using x, y, and radius.
Spheres are drawn with x, y, and z coordinates representing the center of the sphere.
x The x coordinate to use when drawing this sphere.
y The y coordinate to use when drawing this sphere.
radius The radius to use when drawing this sphere.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawSphere(float x, float y, float z, float radius)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a sphere with this renderer using x, y, z, and radius.
Spheres are drawn with x, y, and z coordinates representing the center of the sphere.
x The x coordinate to use when drawing this sphere.
y The y coordinate to use when drawing this sphere.
z The z coordinate to use when drawing this sphere.
radius The radius to use when drawing this sphere.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawString(const ofTrueTypeFont &font, string text, float x, float y)
Documentation from code comments
Draw text with this renderer using an ofTrueType font.
font The font to use when drawing \p text.
text The text to draw with the renderer.
x The x position for the bottom of \p text.
y The y position for the left alignment of \p text.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawString(string text, float x, float y, float z)
Documentation from code comments
Draw text with this renderer using the current bitmap text mode.
When using the OF_BITMAPMODE_SIMPLE bitmap text strings are drawn with their origin at the bottom left corner of the text. However, setBitmapTextMode() can transform this default behavior with modes like: OF_BITMAPMODE_SIMPLE OF_BITMAPMODE_SCREEN OF_BITMAPMODE_VIEWPORT OF_BITMAPMODE_MODEL OF_BITMAPMODE_MODEL_BILLBOARD
text The text to draw with the renderer.
x The x position for the bottom of \p text.
y The y position for the left alignment of \p text.
z The z position of the text.
void ofBaseRenderer::drawTriangle(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float x3, float y3, float z3)
Documentation from code comments
Draw a triangle using three 3D points.
x1 The x coordinate of the first point.
y1 The y coordinate of the first point.
z1 The z coordinate of the first point.
x2 The x coordinate of the second point.
y2 The y coordinate of the second point.
z2 The z coordinate of the second point.
x3 The x coordinate of the third point.
y3 The y coordinate of the third point.
z3 The z coordinate of the third point.
void ofBaseRenderer::enableAntiAliasing()
Documentation from code comments
Enable this renderer to use anti-aliasing if it is supported.
void ofBaseRenderer::finishRender()
Documentation from code comments
Stop using this renderer as the rendering surface.
const of3dGraphics & ofBaseRenderer::get3dGraphics()
Documentation from code comments
Get a const reference of this renderer's 3D graphics object.
Returns: The 3D graphics object currently being used by this renderer.
of3dGraphics & ofBaseRenderer::get3dGraphics()
Documentation from code comments
Get a reference with this renderer's 3D graphics object.
Returns: the 3D graphics object currently being used by this renderer.
bool ofBaseRenderer::getBackgroundAuto()
Documentation from code comments
Get the current auto redraw background setting for this renderer.
Returns: True if this renderer is set to redraw the background each frame.
ofColor ofBaseRenderer::getBackgroundColor()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's current background color.
Returns: This renderer's current background color.
glm::vec3 ofBaseRenderer::getBoxResolution()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's current box resolution as a 3D vector.
The returned vector's x, y, and z properties represent this renderer's current resolution width, resolution height, and resolution depth respectively.
Returns: This renderer's current box resolution as a 3D vector.
glm::vec3 ofBaseRenderer::getConeResolution()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's cone resolution as a 3D vector.
The resulting vector's x, y, and z properties correspond to the radius segments, height segments, and cap segments of this renderer's cone resolution respectively.
Returns: A 3D vector representing this renderer's current cone resolution.
ofHandednessType ofBaseRenderer::getCoordHandedness()
Documentation from code comments
Get the coordinate handidness of this renderer.
Possible handednesses include OF_LEFT_HANDED and OF_RIGHT_HANDED. In a left handed coordinate system positive x, y and z axes point right, up and forward, respectively and positive rotation is clockwise about the axis of rotation. In a right handed coordinate system the positive x and y axes point right and up, and the negative z axis points forward and positive rotation is counterclockwise about the axis of rotation.
Returns: The handedness this renderer is using.
See also:
See also:
glm::mat4 ofBaseRenderer::getCurrentMatrix(ofMatrixMode matrixMode_)
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's current matrix for particular a matrix mode.
matrixMode_ The matrix mode to get the current matrix of.
Returns: The current matrix specified by \p matrixMode_
See also: ofMatrixMode
glm::mat4 ofBaseRenderer::getCurrentNormalMatrix()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's current normal matrix.
Returns: This renderer's current normal matrix.
glm::mat4 ofBaseRenderer::getCurrentOrientationMatrix()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's current orientation matrix.
Returns: This renderer's current orientation matrix.
glm::mat4 ofBaseRenderer::getCurrentViewMatrix()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's current view matrix.
Returns: This renderer's current view matrix.
ofRectangle ofBaseRenderer::getCurrentViewport()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's current viewport.
Unlike getNativeViewport(), this method gets this renderer's current viewport with orientation and vertical flipping applied.
Returns: This renderer's viewport as a rectangle.
See also: getNativeViewport()
glm::vec3 ofBaseRenderer::getCylinderResolution()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's cylinder resolution as a 3D vector.
The resulting vector's x, y, and z properties correspond to the radius segments, height segments, and cap segments of this renderer's cylinder resolution respectively.
Returns: A 3D vector representing this renderer's current cylinder resolution.
ofFillFlag ofBaseRenderer::getFillMode()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's current fill flag.
Possible fill flags include OF_OUTLINE and OF_FILLED.
Returns: The fill flag this render is currently using.
See also: ofFillFlag
int ofBaseRenderer::getIcoSphereResolution()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's current icosphere resolution.
Returns: This renderer's current icosphere resolution.
ofRectangle ofBaseRenderer::getNativeViewport()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's current native viewport.
Unlike getViewport(), this method gets this renderer's current viewport without orientation and vertical flipping applied.
Returns: This renderer's native viewport as a rectangle.
See also: getViewport()
ofPath & ofBaseRenderer::getPath()
Documentation from code comments
Get a reference to the path used internally by this renderer.
Returns: A reference to the path used internally by this renderer.
glm::vec2 ofBaseRenderer::getPlaneResolution()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's current plane resolution as a 2D vector.
The resulting vector's x and y values corresponds to the current column and row resolutions of this renderer's plane resolution respectively.
Returns: A 2D vector representing this renderer's plane resolution in columns and rows.
ofRectMode ofBaseRenderer::getRectMode()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's current rect mode.
Possible rect modes include OF_RECTMODE_CORNER and OF_RECTMODE_CENTER.
Returns: The renderer's current rect mode.
See also: ofRectMode
int ofBaseRenderer::getSphereResolution()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's current sphere resolution.
Returns: This renderer's current sphere resolution.
ofStyle ofBaseRenderer::getStyle()
Documentation from code comments
Get this renderer's current style object.
Returns: This renderer's current style object.
const string & ofBaseRenderer::getType()
Documentation from code comments
Get the string representation of the renderer type.
For example, this method may return "GL", "ProgrammableGL", or another type depending on the renderer being used.
Returns: The string representation of the renderer type.
int ofBaseRenderer::getViewportHeight()
Documentation from code comments
Get the renderer's current viewport width.
Returns: The renderer's current viewport width.
int ofBaseRenderer::getViewportWidth()
Documentation from code comments
Get the renderer's current viewport width.
Returns: The renderer's current viewport width.
bool ofBaseRenderer::isVFlipped()
Documentation from code comments
Returns true if the renderer's current viewport is vertically flipped.
Returns: True if the renderer's current viewport is vertically flipped.
void ofBaseRenderer::loadIdentityMatrix()
Documentation from code comments
Load this renderer's identity matrix.
This identity matrix is an mat4 matrix with 1s on the main diagonal and 0s elsewhere. [ [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1] ]
Matrix multiplications using this matrix as the multiplier will yield no change in the multiplicand matrix.
void ofBaseRenderer::loadMatrix(const float *m)
Documentation from code comments
Load m as this renderer's current matrix.
\p m can be passed to loadMatrix() in this way from raw data
m Float pointer to an 4x4 matrix.
void ofBaseRenderer::loadMatrix(const glm::mat4 &m)
Documentation from code comments
Load a matrix as this renderer's current matrix.
m The matrix to load into this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::loadViewMatrix(const glm::mat4 &m)
Documentation from code comments
Load \p m into this renderer's matrix stack as a view matrix.
m The view matrix to load into this renderer's matrix stack.
void ofBaseRenderer::matrixMode(ofMatrixMode mode)
Documentation from code comments
Sets this renderer's current matrix mode.
mode The matrix mode this renderer's matrix should use.
void ofBaseRenderer::multMatrix(const float *m)
Documentation from code comments
Multiply this renderer's current matrix by \p m.
\p m can be passed to loadMatrix() in this way with raw data
m Float pointer to an mat4 to multiply this renderer's current matrix by.
void ofBaseRenderer::multMatrix(const glm::mat4 &m)
Documentation from code comments
Multiply this renderer's current matrix by \p m.
m The matrix to multiply this renderer's current matrix by.
void ofBaseRenderer::multViewMatrix(const glm::mat4 &m)
Documentation from code comments
Multiply this renderer's view matrix by \p m.
m The matrix to multiply this renderer's view matrix by.
void ofBaseRenderer::popMatrix()
Documentation from code comments
Pops this renderer's current matrix stack.
popMatrix() restores the renderer's matrix to the state it was last saved with with a call to pushMatrix().
void ofBaseRenderer::popStyle()
Documentation from code comments
Pop this renderer's current style from its internal style stack.
This restores the style that was last saved with pushStyle().
void ofBaseRenderer::popView()
Documentation from code comments
Pop the current viewport from the renderer's view stack.
popView() restores the renderer's viewport to the state it was last saved with with a call to pushView().
See also: viewport()
void ofBaseRenderer::pushMatrix()
Documentation from code comments
Pushes this renderer's matrix stack down by one.
pushMatrix() saves the renderer's current matrix allowing new transformations and scales to effect only the new matrix created by this method. Should be paired with a call to popMatrix().
void ofBaseRenderer::pushStyle()
Documentation from code comments
Push this renderer's current style into its internal style stack.
This creates a new style object used by this renderer internally until popStyle() is called.
void ofBaseRenderer::pushView()
Documentation from code comments
Push the current viewport into the renderer's viewport stack.
pushViewport() save the current viewport to the renderer's viewport history stack allowing new viewport operations to effect only the new viewport created by this method. Should be paired with popView.
See also: viewport()
void ofBaseRenderer::rotateDeg(float degrees)
Documentation from code comments
Rotate this renderer's current matrix by \p degrees about the z axis.
This method is an alias of rotateZ().
degrees Degrees to rotate about the z axis.
See also: rotateZ()
void ofBaseRenderer::rotateDeg(float degrees, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ)
Documentation from code comments
Rotate this renderer's current matrix by \p degrees about a euler.
degrees Degrees to rotate about vecX, vecY, and vecZ.
vecX The x axis to rotate about.
vecY The y axis to rotate about.
vecZ The z axis to rotate about.
void ofBaseRenderer::rotateRad(float degrees)
Documentation from code comments
Rotate this renderer's current matrix by \p degrees about the z axis.
This method is an alias of rotateZ().
degrees Degrees to rotate about the z axis.
See also: rotateZ()
void ofBaseRenderer::rotateRad(float degrees, float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ)
Documentation from code comments
Rotate this renderer's current matrix by \p degrees about a euler.
degrees Degrees to rotate about vecX, vecY, and vecZ.
vecX The x axis to rotate about.
vecY The y axis to rotate about.
vecZ The z axis to rotate about.
void ofBaseRenderer::rotateXDeg(float degrees)
Documentation from code comments
Rotate this renderer's current matrix by \p degrees about the x axis.
degrees Degrees to rotate about the x axis.
void ofBaseRenderer::rotateXRad(float degrees)
Documentation from code comments
Rotate this renderer's current matrix by \p degrees about the x axis.
degrees Degrees to rotate about the x axis.
void ofBaseRenderer::rotateYDeg(float degrees)
Documentation from code comments
Rotate this renderer's current matrix by \p degrees about the y axis.
degrees Degrees to rotate about the y axis.
void ofBaseRenderer::rotateYRad(float degrees)
Documentation from code comments
Rotate this renderer's current matrix by \p degrees about the y axis.
degrees Degrees to rotate about the y axis.
void ofBaseRenderer::rotateZDeg(float degrees)
Documentation from code comments
Rotate this renderer's current matrix by \p degrees about the z axis.
degrees Degrees to rotate about the z axis.
void ofBaseRenderer::rotateZRad(float degrees)
Documentation from code comments
Rotate this renderer's current matrix by \p degrees about the z axis.
degrees Degrees to rotate about the z axis.
void ofBaseRenderer::scale(float xAmnt, float yAmnt, float zAmnt)
Documentation from code comments
Scale this renderer's current matrix by xAmnt, yAmnt, and zAmnt.
xAmnt The amount to scale this renderer's current matrix's x axis by.
yAmnt The amount to scale this renderer's current matrix's y axis by.
zAmnt The amount to scale this renderer's current matrix's z axis by. Defaults to 1.
void ofBaseRenderer::setBackgroundAuto(bool bManual)
Documentation from code comments
Enable/disable automatic redrawing of the background each frame.
bManual False to disable automatic background redrawing.
void ofBaseRenderer::setBackgroundColor(const ofColor &c)
Documentation from code comments
Set this renderer's background color.
c The color to request this renderer to use.
void ofBaseRenderer::setBitmapTextMode(ofDrawBitmapMode mode)
Documentation from code comments
Set this renderer's bitmap text mode.
mode The bitmap mode to request this renderer to use.
See also: ofDrawBitmapMode
void ofBaseRenderer::setBlendMode(ofBlendMode blendMode)
Documentation from code comments
Set this renderer's current blend mode.
Possible blend modes include: Rotate this renderer's current matrix by \p degrees about the z axis.
This method is an alias of rotateZ().
degrees Degrees to rotate about the z axis.
blendMode The blend mode to request this renderer to use.
See also: ofBlendMode
See also:
void ofBaseRenderer::setBoxResolution(int res)
Documentation from code comments
Set the resolution this renderer uses when drawing boxes.
res The resolution to use for box widths, heights, and depths.
void ofBaseRenderer::setBoxResolution(int resWidth, int resHeight, int resDepth)
Documentation from code comments
Set the resolution this renderer uses when drawing boxes.
resWidth The width resolution this renderer uses when drawing boxes.
resHeight The height resolution this renderer uses when drawing boxes.
resDepth The depth resolution this renderer uses when drawing boxes.
void ofBaseRenderer::setCircleResolution(int res)
Documentation from code comments
Set the resolution to use when drawing ellipses with this renderer.
res The number of points to use when drawing circles and ellipses with this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::setColor(const ofColor &color)
Documentation from code comments
Set the global color this renderer will use when drawing.
The renderer will continue using a color set by setColor() until another call to setColor() changes the drawing color.
color The color to use when drawing.
void ofBaseRenderer::setColor(const ofColor &color, int _a)
Documentation from code comments
Set the global color this renderer will use when drawing.
The renderer will continue using a color set by setColor() until another call to setColor() changes the drawing color.
color The color to use when drawing.
_a The alpha value between 0 and 255 to use when drawing.
void ofBaseRenderer::setColor(int gray)
Documentation from code comments
Set the global color this renderer will use when drawing.
The renderer will continue using a color set by setColor() until another call to setColor() changes the drawing color.
gray The grayscale value to use when drawing.
void ofBaseRenderer::setColor(int r, int g, int b)
Documentation from code comments
Set the global color this renderer will use when drawing.
The renderer will continue using a color set by setColor() until another call to setColor() changes the drawing color.
r The red value between 0 and 255 to use when drawing.
g The green value between 0 and 255 to use when drawing.
b The blue value between 0 and 255 to use when drawing.
void ofBaseRenderer::setColor(int r, int g, int b, int a)
Documentation from code comments
Set the global color this renderer will use when drawing.
The renderer will continue using a color set by setColor() until another call to setColor() changes the drawing color.
r The red value between 0 and 255 to use when drawing.
g The green value between 0 and 255 to use when drawing.
b The blue value between 0 and 255 to use when drawing.
a The alpha value between 0 and 255 to use when drawing.
void ofBaseRenderer::setConeResolution(int radiusSegments, int heightSegments, int capSegments=2)
Documentation from code comments
Set the resolution of a polygonized cone.
Allows you to set the polygonization resolution of any cones you subsequently draw with ofDrawCone().
radiusSegments The number of facets (subdivisions) around the cone's circular footprint.
heightSegments The number of subdivisions from the cone's top to bottom.
capSegments The number of annular (ring-shaped) subdivisions of the cone's endcap.
void ofBaseRenderer::setCoordHandedness(ofHandednessType handedness)
Documentation from code comments
Set the coordinate handidness of this renderer.
Possible handednesses include OF_LEFT_HANDED and OF_RIGHT_HANDED. In a left handed coordinate system positive x, y and z axes point right, up and forward, respectively and positive rotation is clockwise about the axis of rotation. In a right handed coordinate system the positive x and y axes point right and up, and the negative z axis points forward and positive rotation is counterclockwise about the axis of rotation.
handedness The handedness to set this renderer to use.
See also:
See also:
void ofBaseRenderer::setCurveResolution(int resolution)
Documentation from code comments
Set the resolution used when drawing curves with this renderer.
resolution The resolution to request this renderer to use when drawing curves.
void ofBaseRenderer::setCylinderResolution(int radiusSegments, int heightSegments, int capSegments=2)
Documentation from code comments
Set this renderer's cylinder resolution.
radiusSegments The number of facets (subdivisions) around the icosphere's circular footprint. A larger number yields a higher resolution.
heightSegments The number of subdivisions from the cylinder's top to bottom.
capSegments The number of annular (ring-shaped) subdivisions of the cylinder's endcap. Defaults to 2.
void ofBaseRenderer::setDepthTest(bool depthTest)
Documentation from code comments
Enable/disable depth testing with this renderer.
When depth testing is enabled the order shapes are drawn with the renderer is dependent on their distance from the camera rather than the order their drawing methods were called. This should be enabled when expecting normal behavior when drawing 3D scenes.
depthTest True to enable depth testing.
void ofBaseRenderer::setFillMode(ofFillFlag fill)
Documentation from code comments
set this renderer's fill flag.
Possible fill flags include OF_OUTLINE and OF_FILLED.
fill The fill flag to request this renderer to use.
See also: ofFillFlag
void ofBaseRenderer::setHexColor(int hexColor)
Documentation from code comments
Set the global color this renderer will use when drawing.
The renderer will continue using a color set by setColor() until another call to setColor() changes the drawing color.
hexColor The hexidecimal representation of the color to use when drawing.
void ofBaseRenderer::setIcoSphereResolution(int res)
Documentation from code comments
Set the point resolution to use when drawing an icosphere with this renderer.
res The desired icosphere resolution to use with this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::setLineSmoothing(bool smooth)
Documentation from code comments
Enable/disable line smoothing for this renderer if it's supported.
smooth True to enable line smoothing for this renderer if it's supported.
void ofBaseRenderer::setLineWidth(float lineWidth)
Documentation from code comments
Set the line width this renderer should use when drawing lines.
lineWidth The line width to request this renderer to use.
void ofBaseRenderer::setOrientation(ofOrientation orientation, bool vFlip)
Documentation from code comments
set this renderer's orientation.
orientation The orientation to use with this renderer.
vFlip True if the orientation should be vertically flipped.
See also: ofOrientation
void ofBaseRenderer::setPlaneResolution(int columns, int rows)
Documentation from code comments
Set this renderer's plane resolution using \p column and \p rows.
columns The number of columns to use when drawing planes with this renderer.
rows The number of rows to use when drawing planes with this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::setPolyMode(ofPolyWindingMode mode)
Documentation from code comments
Set this renderer's poly winding mode.
mode The poly winding mode to request this renderer to use.
See also: ofPolyWindingMode
void ofBaseRenderer::setRectMode(ofRectMode mode)
Documentation from code comments
Set this renderer's rect mode.
Possible rect modes include OF_RECTMODE_CORNER and OF_RECTMODE_CENTER.
mode The rect mode to request this renderer to use.
See also: ofRectMode
void ofBaseRenderer::setSphereResolution(int res)
Documentation from code comments
UV Sphere Set the point resolution to use when drawing a sphere with this renderer.
res The desired sphere resolution to use with this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::setStyle(const ofStyle &style)
Documentation from code comments
Set this renderer's current style object.
style The style object to set this renderer to use.
void ofBaseRenderer::setupGraphicDefaults()
Documentation from code comments
setup the default graphics settings for this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::setupScreen()
Documentation from code comments
setup the default screen settings for this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::setupScreenOrtho(float width, float height, float nearDist, float farDist)
Documentation from code comments
Setup the renderer to use an orthographic matrix.
width The width of the desired orthographic matrix. Defaults to -1 setting its width according to the rendering surface's width.
height The height of the desired orthographic matrix. Defaults to -1 setting its height according to the rendering surface's height.
nearDist The near clipping distance to use with the orthographic matrix. Setting this value to 0 uses the defualt near distance. Defaults to 0.
farDist The far clipping distance to use with the orthographic matrix. Setting this value to 0 uses the defualt near distance. Defaults to 0.
void ofBaseRenderer::setupScreenPerspective(float width, float height, float fov, float nearDist, float farDist)
Documentation from code comments
Setup the renderer to use a perspective matrix.
width The width of the desired perspective matrix. Defaults to -1 setting its width according to the rendering surface's width.
height The height of the desired perspective matrix. Defaults to Defaults to -1 setting its width according to the rendering surface's width.
fov The field of view to use with the perspective matrix. Defaults to 60.
nearDist The near clipping distance to use with the perspective matrix. Setting this value to 0 uses the default near distance. Defaults to 0.
farDist The far clipping distance to use with the perspective matrix. Setting this value to 0 uses the default near distance. Defaults to 0.
void ofBaseRenderer::startRender()
Documentation from code comments
Starts using this renderer as the rendering surface.
void ofBaseRenderer::translate(const glm::vec3 &p)
Documentation from code comments
Translate this renderer's current matrix by a point.
p The 3D point to translate this renderer's current matrix by.
void ofBaseRenderer::translate(float x, float y, float z)
Documentation from code comments
Translate this renderer's current matrix by x, y, and z.
x The x coordinate to translate this renderer's current matrix by.
y The y coordinate to translate this renderer's current matrix by.
z The z coordinate to translate this renderer's current matrix by. Defaults to 0.
void ofBaseRenderer::unbind(const ofCamera &camera)
Documentation from code comments
Unbind the camera from this renderer.
camera The camera to unbind from this renderer.
void ofBaseRenderer::viewport(float x, float y, float width, float height, bool vflip=true)
Documentation from code comments
Set this renderer's viewport manually using x, y, width, and height.
x The x coordinate of the viewport. Defaults to 0.
y The y coordinate of the viewport. Defaults to 0.
w The width of the viewport. Defaults to -1 setting its width according to the rendering surface's width.
h The height of the viewport. Defaults to -1 setting its height according to the rendering surface's height.
void ofBaseRenderer::viewport(ofRectangle viewport)
Documentation from code comments
Set this renderer's viewport using a rectangle.
This method uses the ofGetWidth() and ofGetHeight() to set the width and height of the viewport. It also automatically creates near and far clipping planes based on this width and height.
Last updated Tuesday, 19 November 2024 17:25:01 UTC - 2537ee49f6d46d5fe98e408849448314fd1f180e
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