This page is the reference for the openFrameworks core and included addons. There are also contributed addons. The openFrameworks API is constantly evolving: any corrections, additions or comments are very welcome!
You can contribute to this documentation from GitHub by following the instructions in the documentation tutorial.
This documentation refers to the most recent release, version 0.12.0.
- of3dGraphics
- of3dGraphics()
- drawArrow()
- drawAxis()
- drawBox()
- drawCone()
- drawCylinder()
- drawGrid()
- drawGridPlane()
- drawIcoSphere()
- drawPlane()
- drawRotationAxes()
- drawSphere()
- getBoxResolution()
- getConeResolution()
- getCylinderResolution()
- getIcoSphereResolution()
- getPlaneResolution()
- getSphereResolution()
- setBoxResolution()
- setConeResolution()
- setCylinderResolution()
- setIcoSphereResolution()
- setPlaneResolution()
- setSphereResolution()
- ofDrawBox()
- ofDrawCone()
- ofDrawCylinder()
- ofDrawIcoSphere()
- ofDrawPlane()
- ofDrawSphere()
- ofGetBoxResolution()
- ofGetConeResolution()
- ofGetCylinderResolution()
- ofGetIcoSphereResolution()
- ofGetPlaneResolution()
- ofGetSphereResolution()
- ofSetBoxResolution()
- ofSetConeResolution()
- ofSetCylinderResolution()
- ofSetIcoSphereResolution()
- ofSetPlaneResolution()
- ofSetSphereResolution()
- of3dPrimitive
- of3dPrimitive()
- ~of3dPrimitive()
- disableColors()
- disableNormals()
- disableTextures()
- draw()
- drawAxes()
- drawFaces()
- drawNormals()
- drawVertices()
- drawWireframe()
- enableColors()
- enableNormals()
- enableTextures()
- getMesh()
- getMeshPtr()
- getTexCoords()
- getTexCoordsPtr()
- hasNormalsEnabled()
- hasScaling()
- isUsingVbo()
- mapTexCoords()
- mapTexCoordsFromTexture()
- operator=()
- setUseVbo()
- ofBoxPrimitive
- ofBoxPrimitive()
- ~ofBoxPrimitive()
- getDepth()
- getHeight()
- getResolution()
- getResolutionDepth()
- getResolutionHeight()
- getResolutionWidth()
- getSideIndices()
- getSideMesh()
- getSize()
- getWidth()
- resizeToTexture()
- set()
- setDepth()
- setHeight()
- setMode()
- setResolution()
- setResolutionDepth()
- setResolutionHeight()
- setResolutionWidth()
- setSideColor()
- setWidth()
- ofCamera
- ofCamera()
- ~ofCamera()
- begin()
- cameraToWorld()
- disableOrtho()
- drawFrustum()
- enableOrtho()
- end()
- getAspectRatio()
- getFarClip()
- getForceAspectRatio()
- getFov()
- getImagePlaneDistance()
- getLensOffset()
- getModelViewMatrix()
- getModelViewProjectionMatrix()
- getNearClip()
- getOrtho()
- getProjectionMatrix()
- isVFlipped()
- screenToWorld()
- setAspectRatio()
- setFarClip()
- setForceAspectRatio()
- setFov()
- setLensOffset()
- setNearClip()
- setRenderer()
- setVFlip()
- setupOffAxisViewPortal()
- setupPerspective()
- worldToCamera()
- worldToScreen()
- ofConePrimitive
- ofConePrimitive()
- ~ofConePrimitive()
- getCapIndices()
- getCapMesh()
- getConeIndices()
- getConeMesh()
- getHeight()
- getRadius()
- getResolution()
- getResolutionCap()
- getResolutionHeight()
- getResolutionRadius()
- set()
- setCapColor()
- setHeight()
- setMode()
- setRadius()
- setResolution()
- setResolutionCap()
- setResolutionHeight()
- setResolutionRadius()
- setTopColor()
- ofCylinderPrimitive
- ofCylinderPrimitive()
- ~ofCylinderPrimitive()
- getBottomCapIndices()
- getBottomCapMesh()
- getCapped()
- getCylinderIndices()
- getCylinderMesh()
- getHeight()
- getRadius()
- getResolution()
- getResolutionCap()
- getResolutionHeight()
- getResolutionRadius()
- getTopCapIndices()
- getTopCapMesh()
- set()
- setBottomCapColor()
- setCapped()
- setCylinderColor()
- setHeight()
- setMode()
- setRadius()
- setResolution()
- setResolutionCap()
- setResolutionHeight()
- setResolutionRadius()
- setTopCapColor()
- ofEasyCam
- ofEasyCam()
- addInteraction()
- begin()
- clearControlArea()
- disableInertia()
- disableMouseInput()
- disableMouseMiddleButton()
- enableInertia()
- enableMouseInput()
- enableMouseMiddleButton()
- getControlArea()
- getDistance()
- getDrag()
- getInertiaEnabled()
- getMouseInputEnabled()
- getMouseMiddleButtonEnabled()
- getRelativeYAxis()
- getTarget()
- getTranslationKey()
- getUpAxis()
- hasInteraction()
- removeAllInteractions()
- removeInteraction()
- reset()
- setAutoDistance()
- setControlArea()
- setDistance()
- setDrag()
- setEvents()
- setRelativeYAxis()
- setRotationSensitivity()
- setTarget()
- setTranslationKey()
- setTranslationSensitivity()
- setUpAxis()
- ofMesh
- ofMesh_()
- ~ofMesh_()
- addColor()
- addColors()
- addIndex()
- addIndices()
- addNormal()
- addNormals()
- addTexCoord()
- addTexCoords()
- addTriangle()
- addVertex()
- addVertices()
- append()
- axis()
- box()
- clear()
- clearColors()
- clearIndices()
- clearNormals()
- clearTexCoords()
- clearVertices()
- cone()
- cylinder()
- disableColors()
- disableIndices()
- disableNormals()
- disableTextures()
- draw()
- drawFaces()
- drawVertices()
- drawWireframe()
- enableColors()
- enableIndices()
- enableNormals()
- enableTextures()
- flatNormals()
- getCentroid()
- getColor()
- getColors()
- getColorsPointer()
- getFace()
- getFaceNormals()
- getIndex()
- getIndexPointer()
- getIndices()
- getMeshForIndices()
- getMode()
- getNormal()
- getNormals()
- getNormalsPointer()
- getNumColors()
- getNumIndices()
- getNumNormals()
- getNumTexCoords()
- getNumVertices()
- getTexCoord()
- getTexCoords()
- getTexCoordsPointer()
- getUniqueFaces()
- getVertex()
- getVertices()
- getVerticesPointer()
- hasColors()
- hasIndices()
- hasNormals()
- hasTexCoords()
- hasVertices()
- icosahedron()
- icosphere()
- load()
- mergeDuplicateVertices()
- plane()
- removeColor()
- removeIndex()
- removeNormal()
- removeTexCoord()
- removeVertex()
- save()
- setColor()
- setColorForIndices()
- setFromTriangles()
- setIndex()
- setMode()
- setNormal()
- setTexCoord()
- setVertex()
- setupIndicesAuto()
- smoothNormals()
- sphere()
- usingColors()
- usingIndices()
- usingNormals()
- usingTextures()
- ofNode
- ofNode()
- ~ofNode()
- boom()
- clearParent()
- customDraw()
- dolly()
- draw()
- getGlobalOrientation()
- getGlobalPosition()
- getGlobalScale()
- getGlobalTransformMatrix()
- getHeadingDeg()
- getHeadingRad()
- getLocalTransformMatrix()
- getLookAtDir()
- getOrientationEulerDeg()
- getOrientationEulerRad()
- getOrientationQuat()
- getParent()
- getPitchDeg()
- getPitchRad()
- getPosition()
- getRollDeg()
- getRollRad()
- getScale()
- getSideDir()
- getUpDir()
- getX()
- getXAxis()
- getY()
- getYAxis()
- getZ()
- getZAxis()
- lookAt()
- move()
- operator=()
- orbitDeg()
- orbitRad()
- panDeg()
- panRad()
- resetTransform()
- restoreTransformGL()
- rollDeg()
- rollRad()
- rotate()
- rotateAround()
- rotateAroundDeg()
- rotateAroundRad()
- rotateDeg()
- rotateRad()
- setGlobalOrientation()
- setGlobalPosition()
- setOrientation()
- setParent()
- setPosition()
- setScale()
- tiltDeg()
- tiltRad()
- transformGL()
- truck()
- ofAppBaseWindow
- close()
- disableSetupScreen()
- doesHWOrientation()
- draw()
- enableSetupScreen()
- events()
- finishRender()
- getClipboardString()
- getGLXContext()
- getHeight()
- getOrientation()
- getScreenSize()
- getWidth()
- getWindowContext()
- getWindowMode()
- getWindowPosition()
- getWindowShouldClose()
- getWindowSize()
- getX11Display()
- getX11Window()
- hideCursor()
- makeCurrent()
- renderer()
- setClipboardString()
- setFullscreen()
- setOrientation()
- setVerticalSync()
- setWindowPosition()
- setWindowShape()
- setWindowShouldClose()
- setWindowTitle()
- setup()
- showCursor()
- startRender()
- swapBuffers()
- toggleFullscreen()
- update()
- ofAppEGLWindow
- ofAppEGLWindow()
- ~ofAppEGLWindow()
- allowsMultiWindow()
- close()
- disableSetupScreen()
- doesHWOrientation()
- doesLoop()
- draw()
- enableSetupScreen()
- events()
- finishRender()
- getEglConfig()
- getEglContext()
- getEglDisplay()
- getEglSurface()
- getEglVersionMajor()
- getEglVersionMinor()
- getHeight()
- getOrientation()
- getScreenSize()
- getWidth()
- getWindowMode()
- getWindowPosition()
- getWindowSize()
- getX11Display()
- getX11Window()
- hideCursor()
- loop()
- makeCurrent()
- needsPolling()
- pollEvents()
- renderer()
- setFullscreen()
- setOrientation()
- setThreadTimeout()
- setVerticalSync()
- setWindowPosition()
- setWindowShape()
- setWindowTitle()
- setup()
- showCursor()
- startRender()
- swapBuffers()
- toggleFullscreen()
- update()
- ofAppGLFWWindow
- ofAppGLFWWindow()
- ~ofAppGLFWWindow()
- allowsMultiWindow()
- close()
- disableSetupScreen()
- doesLoop()
- draw()
- enableSetupScreen()
- events()
- finishRender()
- getClipboardString()
- getGLFWWindow()
- getGLXContext()
- getHeight()
- getOrientation()
- getPixelScreenCoordScale()
- getScreenSize()
- getSettings()
- getWidth()
- getWindowContext()
- getWindowMode()
- getWindowPosition()
- getWindowShouldClose()
- getWindowSize()
- getX11Display()
- getX11Window()
- getX11XIC()
- hideCursor()
- iconify()
- isWindowActive()
- isWindowIconified()
- isWindowResizeable()
- listMonitors()
- listVideoModes()
- loop()
- makeCurrent()
- needsPolling()
- operator=()
- pollEvents()
- renderer()
- setClipboardString()
- setFullscreen()
- setOrientation()
- setVerticalSync()
- setWindowPosition()
- setWindowShape()
- setWindowShouldClose()
- setWindowTitle()
- setup()
- showCursor()
- startRender()
- swapBuffers()
- toggleFullscreen()
- update()
- ofAppGlutWindow
- allowsMultiWindow()
- close()
- disableSetupScreen()
- doesLoop()
- draw()
- enableSetupScreen()
- events()
- finishRender()
- getHeight()
- getOrientation()
- getScreenSize()
- getWidth()
- getWindowMode()
- getWindowPosition()
- getWindowSize()
- hideCursor()
- loop()
- needsPolling()
- pollEvents()
- renderer()
- setDoubleBuffering()
- setFullscreen()
- setGlutDisplayString()
- setOrientation()
- setVerticalSync()
- setWindowPosition()
- setWindowShape()
- setWindowTitle()
- setup()
- showCursor()
- startRender()
- swapBuffers()
- toggleFullscreen()
- update()
- displayString
- ofAppRunner
- noopDeleter()
- ofCreateWindow()
- ofDoesHWOrientation()
- ofEvents()
- ofExit()
- ofGetAppPtr()
- ofGetClipboardString()
- ofGetCurrentRenderer()
- ofGetCurrentWindow()
- ofGetFixedStepForFps()
- ofGetFrameNum()
- ofGetFrameRate()
- ofGetGLXContext()
- ofGetHeight()
- ofGetLastFrameTime()
- ofGetMainLoop()
- ofGetOrientation()
- ofGetScreenHeight()
- ofGetScreenWidth()
- ofGetTargetFrameRate()
- ofGetWidth()
- ofGetWindowHeight()
- ofGetWindowMode()
- ofGetWindowPositionX()
- ofGetWindowPositionY()
- ofGetWindowPtr()
- ofGetWindowRect()
- ofGetWindowSize()
- ofGetWindowWidth()
- ofGetX11Display()
- ofGetX11Window()
- ofHideCursor()
- ofInit()
- ofRandomHeight()
- ofRandomWidth()
- ofRunApp()
- ofRunMainLoop()
- ofSetClipboardString()
- ofSetCurrentRenderer()
- ofSetEscapeQuitsApp()
- ofSetFrameRate()
- ofSetFullscreen()
- ofSetMainLoop()
- ofSetOrientation()
- ofSetTimeModeFiltered()
- ofSetTimeModeFixedRate()
- ofSetTimeModeSystem()
- ofSetVerticalSync()
- ofSetWindowPosition()
- ofSetWindowShape()
- ofSetWindowTitle()
- ofSetupOpenGL()
- ofShowCursor()
- ofToggleFullscreen()
- ofBaseApp
- dragEvent()
- dragged()
- draw()
- exit()
- gotMessage()
- keyPressed()
- keyReleased()
- messageReceived()
- mouseDragged()
- mouseEntered()
- mouseExited()
- mouseMoved()
- mousePressed()
- mouseReleased()
- mouseScrolled()
- setup()
- touchCancelled()
- touchDoubleTap()
- touchDown()
- touchMoved()
- touchUp()
- update()
- windowResized()
- mouseX
- mouseY
- ofArduino
- attachEncoder()
- connect()
- detachEncoder()
- disableEncoderReporting()
- disconnect()
- enableEncoderReporting()
- getAllEncoderPositions()
- getAnalog()
- getAnalogPinReporting()
- getDigital()
- getDigitalPinMode()
- getEncoderPosition()
- getInvertedValueFromTwo7bitBytes()
- getNumAnalogPins()
- getPinCapabilities()
- getPwm()
- getString()
- getTotalPins()
- isArduinoReady()
- isAttached()
- isI2CConfigured()
- isInitialized()
- resetEncoderPosition()
- sendAnalogMappingRequest()
- sendAnalogPinReporting()
- sendByte()
- sendDigital()
- sendDigitalPinMode()
- sendI2CConfig()
- sendI2CReadRequest()
- sendI2CWriteRequest()
- sendI2ContinuousReadRequest()
- sendOneWireAlarmsSearch()
- sendOneWireConfig()
- sendOneWireDelay()
- sendOneWireRead()
- sendOneWireRequest()
- sendOneWireReset()
- sendOneWireSearch()
- sendOneWireWrite()
- sendOneWireWriteAndRead()
- sendPinCapabilityRequest()
- sendPinCofigurationRequest()
- sendPinStateQuery()
- sendPwm()
- sendReset()
- sendSerialConfig()
- sendStepper2Wire()
- sendStepper4Wire()
- sendStepperMove()
- sendString()
- serialClose()
- serialFlush()
- serialListen()
- serialRead()
- serialStop()
- serialWrite()
- setUseDelay()
- update()
- EEncoderDataReceived
- EI2CDataRecieved
- EPinStateResponseReceived
- ESerialDataReceived
- EStepperDataReceived
- ofCoreEvents
- ofCoreEvents()
- disable()
- enable()
- getFrameNum()
- getFrameRate()
- getKeyPressed()
- getLastFrameTime()
- getModifiers()
- getMousePressed()
- getMouseX()
- getMouseY()
- getPreviousMouseX()
- getPreviousMouseY()
- getTargetFrameRate()
- notifyDragEvent()
- notifyDraw()
- notifyExit()
- notifyKeyEvent()
- notifyKeyPressed()
- notifyKeyReleased()
- notifyMouseDragged()
- notifyMouseEntered()
- notifyMouseEvent()
- notifyMouseExited()
- notifyMouseMoved()
- notifyMousePressed()
- notifyMouseReleased()
- notifyMouseScrolled()
- notifySetup()
- notifyTouchCancelled()
- notifyTouchDoubleTap()
- notifyTouchDown()
- notifyTouchEvent()
- notifyTouchMoved()
- notifyTouchUp()
- notifyUpdate()
- notifyWindowMoved()
- notifyWindowResized()
- setFrameRate()
- setTimeModeFiltered()
- setTimeModeFixedRate()
- setTimeModeSystem()
- charEvent
- draw
- exit
- fileDragEvent
- keyPressed
- keyReleased
- messageEvent
- mouseDragged
- mouseEntered
- mouseExited
- mouseMoved
- mousePressed
- mouseReleased
- mouseScrolled
- setup
- touchCancelled
- touchDoubleTap
- touchDown
- touchMoved
- touchUp
- update
- windowMoved
- windowResized
- ofEvents
- ofEvents()
- ofGetKeyPressed()
- ofGetMousePressed()
- ofGetMouseX()
- ofGetMouseY()
- ofGetPreviousMouseX()
- ofGetPreviousMouseY()
- ofRegisterDragEvents()
- ofRegisterGetMessages()
- ofRegisterKeyEvents()
- ofRegisterMouseEvents()
- ofRegisterTouchEvents()
- ofSendMessage()
- ofUnregisterDragEvents()
- ofUnregisterGetMessages()
- ofUnregisterKeyEvents()
- ofUnregisterMouseEvents()
- ofUnregisterTouchEvents()
- ofFbo
- ofFbo()
- ~ofFbo()
- activateAllDrawBuffers()
- allocate()
- attachTexture()
- begin()
- bind()
- checkGLSupport()
- checkStatus()
- clear()
- clearColorBuffer()
- clearDepthBuffer()
- clearDepthStencilBuffer()
- clearStencilBuffer()
- copyTo()
- createAndAttachDepthStencilTexture()
- createAndAttachRenderbuffer()
- createAndAttachTexture()
- draw()
- end()
- flagDirty()
- getDefaultTextureIndex()
- getDepthBuffer()
- getDepthTexture()
- getHeight()
- getId()
- getIdDrawBuffer()
- getNumTextures()
- getStencilBuffer()
- getTexture()
- getWidth()
- isAllocated()
- isUsingTexture()
- maxColorAttachments()
- maxDrawBuffers()
- maxSamples()
- operator=()
- readToPixels()
- resetAnchor()
- setActiveDrawBuffer()
- setActiveDrawBuffers()
- setAnchorPercent()
- setAnchorPoint()
- setDefaultTextureIndex()
- setUseTexture()
- unbind()
- updateTexture()
- ofGLProgrammableRenderer
- ofGLProgrammableRenderer()
- background()
- begin()
- bind()
- bindForBlitting()
- clear()
- clearAlpha()
- defaultFragmentShaderHeader()
- defaultVertexShaderHeader()
- disableAlphaMask()
- disableAntiAliasing()
- disableLight()
- disableLighting()
- disablePointSprites()
- disableSeparateSpecularLight()
- disableTextureTarget()
- draw()
- drawCircle()
- drawElements()
- drawElementsInstanced()
- drawEllipse()
- drawInstanced()
- drawLine()
- drawRectangle()
- drawString()
- drawTriangle()
- enableAntiAliasing()
- enableLight()
- enableLighting()
- enablePointSprites()
- enableSeparateSpecularLight()
- enableTextureTarget()
- end()
- finishRender()
- get3dGraphics()
- getBackgroundAuto()
- getBackgroundColor()
- getCoordHandedness()
- getCurrentMatrix()
- getCurrentNormalMatrix()
- getCurrentOrientationMatrix()
- getCurrentShader()
- getCurrentTextureTarget()
- getCurrentViewMatrix()
- getCurrentViewport()
- getFillMode()
- getGLVersionMajor()
- getGLVersionMinor()
- getLightingEnabled()
- getNativeViewport()
- getPath()
- getRectMode()
- getStyle()
- getType()
- getVideoShader()
- getViewportHeight()
- getViewportWidth()
- isVFlipped()
- loadIdentityMatrix()
- loadMatrix()
- loadViewMatrix()
- matrixMode()
- multMatrix()
- multViewMatrix()
- popMatrix()
- popStyle()
- popView()
- pushMatrix()
- pushStyle()
- pushView()
- rotateRad()
- rotateXRad()
- rotateYRad()
- rotateZRad()
- saveFullViewport()
- saveScreen()
- scale()
- setAlphaMaskTex()
- setBackgroundAuto()
- setBackgroundColor()
- setBitmapTextMode()
- setBlendMode()
- setCircleResolution()
- setColor()
- setCoordHandedness()
- setCurveResolution()
- setDepthTest()
- setFillMode()
- setGlobalAmbientColor()
- setHexColor()
- setLightAmbientColor()
- setLightAttenuation()
- setLightDiffuseColor()
- setLightPosition()
- setLightSpecularColor()
- setLightSpotConcentration()
- setLightSpotDirection()
- setLightSpotlightCutOff()
- setLineSmoothing()
- setLineWidth()
- setOrientation()
- setPolyMode()
- setRectMode()
- setSmoothLighting()
- setStyle()
- setVideoShaderUniforms()
- setup()
- setupGraphicDefaults()
- setupScreen()
- setupScreenOrtho()
- setupScreenPerspective()
- startRender()
- translate()
- unbind()
- viewport()
- ofGLRenderer
- ofGLRenderer()
- ~ofGLRenderer()
- background()
- begin()
- bind()
- bindForBlitting()
- clear()
- clearAlpha()
- disableAlphaMask()
- disableAntiAliasing()
- disableLight()
- disableLighting()
- disablePointSprites()
- disableSeparateSpecularLight()
- disableTextureTarget()
- draw()
- drawCircle()
- drawElements()
- drawElementsInstanced()
- drawEllipse()
- drawInstanced()
- drawLine()
- drawRectangle()
- drawString()
- drawTriangle()
- enableAntiAliasing()
- enableLight()
- enableLighting()
- enablePointSprites()
- enableSeparateSpecularLight()
- enableTextureTarget()
- end()
- finishRender()
- get3dGraphics()
- getBackgroundAuto()
- getBackgroundColor()
- getCoordHandedness()
- getCurrentMatrix()
- getCurrentNormalMatrix()
- getCurrentOrientationMatrix()
- getCurrentViewMatrix()
- getCurrentViewport()
- getFillMode()
- getGLVersionMajor()
- getGLVersionMinor()
- getLightingEnabled()
- getNativeViewport()
- getPath()
- getRectMode()
- getStyle()
- getType()
- getViewportHeight()
- getViewportWidth()
- isVFlipped()
- loadIdentityMatrix()
- loadMatrix()
- loadViewMatrix()
- matrixMode()
- multMatrix()
- multViewMatrix()
- popMatrix()
- popStyle()
- popView()
- pushMatrix()
- pushStyle()
- pushView()
- rotateDeg()
- rotateRad()
- rotateXDeg()
- rotateXRad()
- rotateYDeg()
- rotateYRad()
- rotateZDeg()
- rotateZRad()
- saveFullViewport()
- saveScreen()
- scale()
- setAlphaMaskTex()
- setBackgroundAuto()
- setBackgroundColor()
- setBitmapTextMode()
- setBlendMode()
- setCircleResolution()
- setColor()
- setCoordHandedness()
- setCurveResolution()
- setDepthTest()
- setFillMode()
- setGlobalAmbientColor()
- setHexColor()
- setLightAmbientColor()
- setLightAttenuation()
- setLightDiffuseColor()
- setLightPosition()
- setLightSpecularColor()
- setLightSpotConcentration()
- setLightSpotDirection()
- setLightSpotlightCutOff()
- setLineSmoothing()
- setLineWidth()
- setOrientation()
- setPolyMode()
- setRectMode()
- setSmoothLighting()
- setStyle()
- setup()
- setupGraphicDefaults()
- setupScreen()
- setupScreenOrtho()
- setupScreenPerspective()
- startRender()
- texturesNeedVFlip()
- translate()
- unbind()
- viewport()
- ofGLUtils
- ofDisableGLDebugLog()
- ofEnableGLDebugLog()
- ofGLCheckExtension()
- ofGLSLVersionFromGL()
- ofGLSupportedExtensions()
- ofGLSupportsNPOTTextures()
- ofGetBytesPerChannelFromGLType()
- ofGetGLFormat()
- ofGetGLFormatFromInternal()
- ofGetGLFormatFromPixelFormat()
- ofGetGLInternalFormat()
- ofGetGLInternalFormatFromPixelFormat()
- ofGetGLInternalFormatName()
- ofGetGLPolyMode()
- ofGetGLPrimitiveMode()
- ofGetGLRenderer()
- ofGetGLType()
- ofGetGLTypeFromInternal()
- ofGetImageTypeFromGLType()
- ofGetNumChannelsFromGLFormat()
- ofGetOFPolyMode()
- ofGetOFPrimitiveMode()
- ofIsGLProgrammableRenderer()
- ofSetPixelStoreiAlignment()
- ofLight
- ofLight()
- disable()
- enable()
- getAmbientColor()
- getAttenuationConstant()
- getAttenuationLinear()
- getAttenuationQuadratic()
- getDiffuseColor()
- getIsAreaLight()
- getIsDirectional()
- getIsEnabled()
- getIsPointLight()
- getIsSpotlight()
- getLightID()
- getSpecularColor()
- getSpotConcentration()
- getSpotlightCutOff()
- getType()
- setAmbientColor()
- setAreaLight()
- setAttenuation()
- setDiffuseColor()
- setDirectional()
- setPointLight()
- setSpecularColor()
- setSpotConcentration()
- setSpotlight()
- setSpotlightCutOff()
- setup()
- ofDisableLighting()
- ofDisableSeparateSpecularLight()
- ofEnableLighting()
- ofEnableSeparateSpecularLight()
- ofGetGlobalAmbientColor()
- ofGetLightingEnabled()
- ofLightsData()
- ofSetGlobalAmbientColor()
- ofSetSmoothLighting()
- ofMaterial
- ofMaterial()
- ~ofMaterial()
- begin()
- end()
- getAmbientColor()
- getDiffuseColor()
- getEmissiveColor()
- getSettings()
- getShininess()
- getSpecularColor()
- setAmbientColor()
- setColors()
- setCustomUniform1f()
- setCustomUniform1i()
- setCustomUniform2f()
- setCustomUniform2i()
- setCustomUniform3f()
- setCustomUniform3i()
- setCustomUniform4f()
- setCustomUniform4i()
- setCustomUniformMatrix3f()
- setCustomUniformMatrix4f()
- setCustomUniformTexture()
- setDiffuseColor()
- setEmissiveColor()
- setShininess()
- setSpecularColor()
- setup()
- ofShader
- ofShader()
- ~ofShader()
- begin()
- beginTransformFeedback()
- bindAttribute()
- bindDefaults()
- bindUniformBlock()
- dispatchCompute()
- end()
- endTransformFeedback()
- getAttributeLocation()
- getGeometryMaxOutputCount()
- getProgram()
- getShader()
- getShaderSource()
- getUniformBlockBinding()
- getUniformBlockIndex()
- getUniformLocation()
- isLoaded()
- linkProgram()
- load()
- loadCompute()
- operator!=()
- operator=()
- operator==()
- printActiveAttributes()
- printActiveUniformBlocks()
- printActiveUniforms()
- setAttribute1d()
- setAttribute1f()
- setAttribute1fv()
- setAttribute1s()
- setAttribute2d()
- setAttribute2f()
- setAttribute2fv()
- setAttribute2s()
- setAttribute3d()
- setAttribute3f()
- setAttribute3fv()
- setAttribute3s()
- setAttribute4d()
- setAttribute4f()
- setAttribute4fv()
- setAttribute4s()
- setGeometryInputType()
- setGeometryOutputCount()
- setGeometryOutputType()
- setUniform1f()
- setUniform1fv()
- setUniform1i()
- setUniform1iv()
- setUniform2f()
- setUniform2fv()
- setUniform2i()
- setUniform2iv()
- setUniform3f()
- setUniform3fv()
- setUniform3i()
- setUniform3iv()
- setUniform4f()
- setUniform4fv()
- setUniform4i()
- setUniform4iv()
- setUniformMatrix3f()
- setUniformMatrix4f()
- setUniformTexture()
- setUniforms()
- setup()
- setupShaderFromFile()
- setupShaderFromSource()
- unload()
- ofTexture
- ofTexture()
- allocate()
- allocateAsBufferTexture()
- bind()
- bindAsImage()
- clear()
- copyTo()
- disableAlphaMask()
- disableMipmap()
- disableTextureMatrix()
- draw()
- drawSubsection()
- enableMipmap()
- generateMipmap()
- getAlphaMask()
- getCoordFromPercent()
- getCoordFromPoint()
- getHeight()
- getMeshForSubsection()
- getQuad()
- getTextureData()
- getTextureMatrix()
- getWidth()
- hasMipmap()
- isAllocated()
- isUsingTextureMatrix()
- loadData()
- loadScreenData()
- operator=()
- readToPixels()
- resetAnchor()
- setAlphaMask()
- setAnchorPercent()
- setAnchorPoint()
- setCompression()
- setRGToRGBASwizzles()
- setSwizzle()
- setTextureMatrix()
- setTextureMinMagFilter()
- setTextureWrap()
- setUseExternalTextureID()
- unbind()
- ofDisableArbTex()
- ofDisableNormalizedTexCoords()
- ofDisableTextureEdgeHack()
- ofEnableArbTex()
- ofEnableNormalizedTexCoords()
- ofEnableTextureEdgeHack()
- ofGetUsingArbTex()
- ofGetUsingNormalizedTexCoords()
- ofIsTextureEdgeHackEnabled()
- ofVbo
- ofVbo()
- ~ofVbo()
- bind()
- clear()
- clearAttribute()
- clearColors()
- clearIndices()
- clearNormals()
- clearTexCoords()
- clearVertices()
- disableColors()
- disableIndices()
- disableNormals()
- disableTexCoords()
- draw()
- drawElements()
- drawElementsInstanced()
- drawInstanced()
- enableColors()
- enableIndices()
- enableNormals()
- enableTexCoords()
- getAttributeBuffer()
- getAttributeId()
- getColorBuffer()
- getColorId()
- getIndexBuffer()
- getIndexId()
- getIsAllocated()
- getNormalBuffer()
- getNormalId()
- getNumIndices()
- getNumVertices()
- getTexCoordBuffer()
- getTexCoordId()
- getUsingColors()
- getUsingIndices()
- getUsingNormals()
- getUsingTexCoords()
- getUsingVerts()
- getVaoId()
- getVertId()
- getVertexBuffer()
- hasAttribute()
- operator=()
- setAttributeBuffer()
- setAttributeData()
- setAttributeDivisor()
- setColorBuffer()
- setColorData()
- setIndexBuffer()
- setIndexData()
- setMesh()
- setNormalBuffer()
- setNormalData()
- setTexCoordBuffer()
- setTexCoordData()
- setVertexBuffer()
- setVertexData()
- unbind()
- updateAttributeData()
- updateColorData()
- updateIndexData()
- updateMesh()
- updateNormalData()
- updateTexCoordData()
- updateVertexData()
- detail_func_common
- glm::abs()
- glm::ceil()
- glm::clamp()
- glm::floatBitsToInt()
- glm::floatBitsToUint()
- glm::floor()
- glm::fma()
- glm::fract()
- glm::frexp()
- glm::intBitsToFloat()
- glm::isinf()
- glm::isnan()
- glm::ldexp()
- glm::max()
- glm::min()
- glm::mix()
- glm::mod()
- glm::modf()
- glm::round()
- glm::roundEven()
- glm::sign()
- glm::smoothstep()
- glm::step()
- glm::trunc()
- glm::uintBitsToFloat()
- gtc_constants
- glm::e()
- glm::epsilon()
- glm::euler()
- glm::four_over_pi()
- glm::golden_ratio()
- glm::half_pi()
- glm::ln_ln_two()
- glm::ln_ten()
- glm::ln_two()
- glm::one()
- glm::one_over_pi()
- glm::one_over_root_two()
- glm::one_over_two_pi()
- glm::pi()
- glm::quarter_pi()
- glm::root_five()
- glm::root_half_pi()
- glm::root_ln_four()
- glm::root_pi()
- glm::root_three()
- glm::root_two()
- glm::root_two_pi()
- glm::third()
- glm::three_over_two_pi()
- glm::two_over_pi()
- glm::two_over_root_pi()
- glm::two_pi()
- glm::two_thirds()
- glm::zero()
- gtc_matrix_transform
- glm::frustum()
- glm::frustumLH()
- glm::frustumRH()
- glm::infinitePerspective()
- glm::infinitePerspectiveLH()
- glm::infinitePerspectiveRH()
- glm::lookAt()
- glm::lookAtLH()
- glm::lookAtRH()
- glm::ortho()
- glm::orthoLH()
- glm::orthoRH()
- glm::perspective()
- glm::perspectiveFov()
- glm::perspectiveFovLH()
- glm::perspectiveFovRH()
- glm::perspectiveLH()
- glm::perspectiveRH()
- glm::pickMatrix()
- glm::project()
- glm::rotate()
- glm::scale()
- glm::translate()
- glm::tweakedInfinitePerspective()
- glm::unProject()
- gtc_packing
- glm::packF2x11_1x10()
- glm::packF3x9_E1x5()
- glm::packHalf()
- glm::packHalf1x16()
- glm::packHalf4x16()
- glm::packI3x10_1x2()
- glm::packSnorm()
- glm::packSnorm1x16()
- glm::packSnorm1x8()
- glm::packSnorm2x8()
- glm::packSnorm3x10_1x2()
- glm::packSnorm4x16()
- glm::packU3x10_1x2()
- glm::packUnorm()
- glm::packUnorm1x16()
- glm::packUnorm1x5_1x6_1x5()
- glm::packUnorm1x8()
- glm::packUnorm2x3_1x2()
- glm::packUnorm2x4()
- glm::packUnorm2x8()
- glm::packUnorm3x10_1x2()
- glm::packUnorm3x5_1x1()
- glm::packUnorm4x16()
- glm::packUnorm4x4()
- glm::unpackF2x11_1x10()
- glm::unpackF3x9_E1x5()
- glm::unpackHalf()
- glm::unpackHalf1x16()
- glm::unpackHalf4x16()
- glm::unpackI3x10_1x2()
- glm::unpackSnorm()
- glm::unpackSnorm1x16()
- glm::unpackSnorm1x8()
- glm::unpackSnorm2x8()
- glm::unpackSnorm3x10_1x2()
- glm::unpackSnorm4x16()
- glm::unpackU3x10_1x2()
- glm::unpackUnorm()
- glm::unpackUnorm1x16()
- glm::unpackUnorm1x5_1x6_1x5()
- glm::unpackUnorm1x8()
- glm::unpackUnorm2x3_1x2()
- glm::unpackUnorm2x4()
- glm::unpackUnorm2x8()
- glm::unpackUnorm3x10_1x2()
- glm::unpackUnorm3x5_1x1()
- glm::unpackUnorm4x16()
- glm::unpackUnorm4x4()
- gtc_quaternion
- glm::angle()
- glm::angleAxis()
- glm::axis()
- glm::conjugate()
- glm::dot()
- glm::equal()
- glm::eulerAngles()
- glm::greaterThan()
- glm::greaterThanEqual()
- glm::inverse()
- glm::isinf()
- glm::isnan()
- glm::length()
- glm::lerp()
- glm::lessThan()
- glm::lessThanEqual()
- glm::mat3_cast()
- glm::mat4_cast()
- glm::mix()
- glm::normalize()
- glm::notEqual()
- glm::pitch()
- glm::quat_cast()
- glm::roll()
- glm::rotate()
- glm::slerp()
- glm::yaw()
- gtc_type_ptr
- glm::make_mat2()
- glm::make_mat2x2()
- glm::make_mat2x3()
- glm::make_mat2x4()
- glm::make_mat3()
- glm::make_mat3x2()
- glm::make_mat3x3()
- glm::make_mat3x4()
- glm::make_mat4()
- glm::make_mat4x2()
- glm::make_mat4x3()
- glm::make_mat4x4()
- glm::make_quat()
- glm::make_vec2()
- glm::make_vec3()
- glm::make_vec4()
- glm::value_ptr()
- gtx_euler_angles
- glm::eulerAngleX()
- glm::eulerAngleXY()
- glm::eulerAngleXYZ()
- glm::eulerAngleXZ()
- glm::eulerAngleY()
- glm::eulerAngleYX()
- glm::eulerAngleYXZ()
- glm::eulerAngleYZ()
- glm::eulerAngleZ()
- glm::eulerAngleZX()
- glm::eulerAngleZY()
- glm::extractEulerAngleXYZ()
- glm::orientate2()
- glm::orientate3()
- glm::orientate4()
- glm::yawPitchRoll()
- gtx_simd_vec4
- glm::abs()
- glm::ceil()
- glm::clamp()
- glm::cross()
- glm::distance()
- glm::distance4()
- glm::dot4()
- glm::fastInversesqrt()
- glm::fastLength()
- glm::fastLength4()
- glm::fastNormalize()
- glm::fastSqrt()
- glm::floor()
- glm::fma()
- glm::fract()
- glm::inversesqrt()
- glm::length()
- glm::length4()
- glm::max()
- glm::min()
- glm::mix()
- glm::mod()
- glm::niceLength()
- glm::niceLength4()
- glm::niceSqrt()
- glm::normalize()
- glm::reflect()
- glm::refract()
- glm::round()
- glm::sign()
- glm::simdDot()
- glm::simdFaceforward()
- glm::smoothstep()
- glm::sqrt()
- glm::step()
- glm::trunc()
- glm::vec4_cast()
- ofCairoRenderer
- ofCairoRenderer()
- ~ofCairoRenderer()
- background()
- bind()
- clear()
- clearAlpha()
- close()
- disableAntiAliasing()
- draw()
- drawCircle()
- drawEllipse()
- drawLine()
- drawRectangle()
- drawString()
- drawTriangle()
- enableAntiAliasing()
- finishRender()
- flush()
- get3dGraphics()
- getBackgroundAuto()
- getBackgroundColor()
- getCairoContext()
- getCairoSurface()
- getContentBuffer()
- getCoordHandedness()
- getCurrentMatrix()
- getCurrentNormalMatrix()
- getCurrentOrientationMatrix()
- getCurrentViewMatrix()
- getCurrentViewport()
- getFillMode()
- getImageSurfacePixels()
- getNativeViewport()
- getPath()
- getRectMode()
- getStyle()
- getType()
- getViewportHeight()
- getViewportWidth()
- isVFlipped()
- loadIdentityMatrix()
- loadMatrix()
- loadViewMatrix()
- matrixMode()
- multMatrix()
- multViewMatrix()
- popMatrix()
- popStyle()
- popView()
- pushMatrix()
- pushStyle()
- pushView()
- rotateRad()
- rotateXRad()
- rotateYRad()
- rotateZRad()
- scale()
- setBackgroundAuto()
- setBackgroundColor()
- setBitmapTextMode()
- setBlendMode()
- setCircleResolution()
- setColor()
- setCoordHandedness()
- setCurveResolution()
- setDepthTest()
- setFillMode()
- setHexColor()
- setLineSmoothing()
- setLineWidth()
- setOrientation()
- setPolyMode()
- setRectMode()
- setStyle()
- setup()
- setupGraphicDefaults()
- setupMemoryOnly()
- setupScreen()
- setupScreenOrtho()
- setupScreenPerspective()
- startRender()
- translate()
- unbind()
- viewport()
- ofGraphics
- ofBackground()
- ofBackgroundGradient()
- ofBackgroundHex()
- ofBeginSaveScreenAsPDF()
- ofBeginSaveScreenAsSVG()
- ofBeginShape()
- ofBezierVertex()
- ofClear()
- ofClearAlpha()
- ofCurveVertex()
- ofCurveVertices()
- ofDisableAlphaBlending()
- ofDisableAntiAliasing()
- ofDisableBlendMode()
- ofDisableDepthTest()
- ofDisablePointSprites()
- ofDisableSmoothing()
- ofDrawBezier()
- ofDrawBitmapString()
- ofDrawBitmapStringHighlight()
- ofDrawCircle()
- ofDrawCurve()
- ofDrawEllipse()
- ofDrawLine()
- ofDrawRectRounded()
- ofDrawRectangle()
- ofDrawTriangle()
- ofEnableAlphaBlending()
- ofEnableAntiAliasing()
- ofEnableBlendMode()
- ofEnableDepthTest()
- ofEnablePointSprites()
- ofEnableSmoothing()
- ofEndSaveScreenAsPDF()
- ofEndSaveScreenAsSVG()
- ofEndShape()
- ofFill()
- ofGetBackgroundAuto()
- ofGetBackgroundColor()
- ofGetCoordHandedness()
- ofGetCurrentMatrix()
- ofGetCurrentNormalMatrix()
- ofGetCurrentOrientationMatrix()
- ofGetCurrentViewMatrix()
- ofGetCurrentViewport()
- ofGetFill()
- ofGetNativeViewport()
- ofGetRectMode()
- ofGetStyle()
- ofGetViewportHeight()
- ofGetViewportWidth()
- ofIsVFlipped()
- ofLoadIdentityMatrix()
- ofLoadMatrix()
- ofLoadViewMatrix()
- ofMultMatrix()
- ofMultViewMatrix()
- ofNextContour()
- ofNoFill()
- ofOrientationToDegrees()
- ofPopMatrix()
- ofPopStyle()
- ofPopView()
- ofPushMatrix()
- ofPushStyle()
- ofPushView()
- ofRotateDeg()
- ofRotateRad()
- ofRotateXDeg()
- ofRotateXRad()
- ofRotateYDeg()
- ofRotateYRad()
- ofRotateZDeg()
- ofRotateZRad()
- ofScale()
- ofSetBackgroundAuto()
- ofSetBackgroundColor()
- ofSetBackgroundColorHex()
- ofSetCircleResolution()
- ofSetColor()
- ofSetCoordHandedness()
- ofSetCurveResolution()
- ofSetDepthTest()
- ofSetDrawBitmapMode()
- ofSetHexColor()
- ofSetLineWidth()
- ofSetMatrixMode()
- ofSetPolyMode()
- ofSetRectMode()
- ofSetStyle()
- ofSetupScreen()
- ofSetupScreenOrtho()
- ofSetupScreenPerspective()
- ofToString()
- ofTranslate()
- ofVertex()
- ofVertices()
- ofViewport()
- ofImage
- ofImage_()
- ~ofImage_()
- allocate()
- bind()
- clear()
- crop()
- cropFrom()
- draw()
- drawSubsection()
- getColor()
- getHeight()
- getImageType()
- getPixels()
- getTexture()
- getWidth()
- grabScreen()
- isAllocated()
- isUsingTexture()
- load()
- mirror()
- operator=()
- resetAnchor()
- resize()
- rotate90()
- save()
- setAnchorPercent()
- setAnchorPoint()
- setColor()
- setCompression()
- setFromPixels()
- setImageType()
- setUseTexture()
- unbind()
- update()
- ofImageFormatExtension()
- ofLoadImage()
- ofSaveImage()
- ofToString()
- bpp
- height
- type
- width
- ofPath
- ofPath()
- append()
- arc()
- arcNegative()
- bezierTo()
- circle()
- clear()
- close()
- curveTo()
- draw()
- ellipse()
- getCircleResolution()
- getCommands()
- getCurveResolution()
- getFillColor()
- getMode()
- getOutline()
- getStrokeColor()
- getStrokeWidth()
- getTessellation()
- getUseShapeColor()
- getWindingMode()
- hasOutline()
- isFilled()
- lineTo()
- moveTo()
- newSubPath()
- quadBezierTo()
- rectRounded()
- rectangle()
- rotateDeg()
- rotateRad()
- scale()
- setCircleResolution()
- setColor()
- setCurveResolution()
- setFillColor()
- setFillHexColor()
- setFilled()
- setHexColor()
- setMode()
- setPolyWindingMode()
- setStrokeColor()
- setStrokeHexColor()
- setStrokeWidth()
- setUseShapeColor()
- simplify()
- tessellate()
- translate()
- triangle()
- ofPixels
- ofPixels_()
- ~ofPixels_()
- allocate()
- begin()
- blendInto()
- bytesFromPixelFormat()
- clear()
- crop()
- cropTo()
- end()
- getBitsPerChannel()
- getBitsPerPixel()
- getBytesPerChannel()
- getBytesPerPixel()
- getBytesStride()
- getChannel()
- getColor()
- getConstLine()
- getConstLines()
- getConstPixelsIter()
- getData()
- getHeight()
- getImageType()
- getLine()
- getLines()
- getNumChannels()
- getNumPlanes()
- getPixelFormat()
- getPixelIndex()
- getPixelsIter()
- getPlane()
- getTotalBytes()
- getWidth()
- isAllocated()
- mirror()
- mirrorTo()
- operator=()
- operator[]()
- pasteInto()
- pixelBitsFromPixelFormat()
- rbegin()
- rend()
- resize()
- resizeTo()
- rotate90()
- rotate90To()
- set()
- setChannel()
- setColor()
- setFromAlignedPixels()
- setFromExternalPixels()
- setFromPixels()
- setImageType()
- setNumChannels()
- size()
- swap()
- swapRgb()
- ofToString()
- ofPolyline
- ofPolyline_()
- addVertex()
- addVertices()
- arc()
- arcNegative()
- begin()
- bezierTo()
- clear()
- close()
- curveTo()
- draw()
- end()
- flagHasChanged()
- fromRectangle()
- getArea()
- getBoundingBox()
- getCentroid2D()
- getClosestPoint()
- getDegreesAtIndex()
- getDegreesAtIndexInterpolated()
- getIndexAtLength()
- getIndexAtPercent()
- getLengthAtIndex()
- getLengthAtIndexInterpolated()
- getNormalAtIndex()
- getNormalAtIndexInterpolated()
- getPerimeter()
- getPointAtIndexInterpolated()
- getPointAtLength()
- getPointAtPercent()
- getRadiansAtIndex()
- getRadiansAtIndexInterpolated()
- getResampledByCount()
- getResampledBySpacing()
- getRightVector()
- getRotationAtIndex()
- getRotationAtIndexInterpolated()
- getSmoothed()
- getTangentAtIndex()
- getTangentAtIndexInterpolated()
- getVertices()
- getWrappedIndex()
- hasChanged()
- insertVertex()
- inside()
- isClosed()
- lineTo()
- operator[]()
- quadBezierTo()
- rbegin()
- rend()
- resize()
- rotateDeg()
- rotateRad()
- scale()
- setClosed()
- setRightVector()
- simplify()
- size()
- translate()
- ofInsidePoly()
- ofTrueTypeFont
- ofTrueTypeFont()
- drawString()
- drawStringAsShapes()
- getAscenderHeight()
- getCharacterAsPoints()
- getDescenderHeight()
- getFirstGlyphPosForTexture()
- getFontTexture()
- getGlyphBBox()
- getLetterSpacing()
- getLineHeight()
- getNumCharacters()
- getSize()
- getSpaceSize()
- getStringAsPoints()
- getStringBoundingBox()
- getStringMesh()
- getStringTexture()
- hasFullCharacterSet()
- isAntiAliased()
- isLoaded()
- isValidGlyph()
- load()
- operator=()
- setDirection()
- setGlobalDpi()
- setLetterSpacing()
- setLineHeight()
- setSpaceSize()
- stringHeight()
- stringWidth()
- ofTrueTypeShutdown()
- ofUnicode
- AdditionalEmoticons
- AdditionalTransportAndMap
- AlphabeticPresentationForms
- Arabic
- ArabicExtendedA
- ArabicMath
- ArabicPresFormsA
- ArabicPresFormsB
- ArabicSupplement
- Arrows
- BlockElement
- BoxDrawing
- CJKLettersAndMonths
- CJKUnified
- CurrencySymbols
- Cyrillic
- Devanagari
- DevanagariExtended
- Dingbats
- Emoticons
- EnclosedCharacters
- GeneralPunctuation
- GeometricShapes
- Greek
- GreekExtended
- HangulCompatJamo
- HangulExtendedA
- HangulExtendedB
- HangulJamo
- HangulSyllables
- Hiragana
- IdeographicSpace
- KanaSupplement
- Katakana
- KatakanaHalfAndFullwidthForms
- KatakanaPhoneticExtensions
- Latin
- Latin1Supplement
- LatinExtendedAdditional
- LetterLikeSymbols
- MathOperators
- MiscSymbols
- MiscSymbolsAndPictographs
- MiscTechnical
- NumberForms
- OtherAdditionalSymbols
- RumiNumericalSymbols
- Space
- SuperAndSubScripts
- TransportAndMap
- Uncategorized
- VedicExtensions
- ofMath
- ofAngleDifferenceDegrees()
- ofAngleDifferenceRadians()
- ofBezierPoint()
- ofBezierTangent()
- ofClamp()
- ofCurvePoint()
- ofCurveTangent()
- ofDegToRad()
- ofDist()
- ofDistSquared()
- ofInRange()
- ofInterpolateCatmullRom()
- ofInterpolateCosine()
- ofInterpolateCubic()
- ofInterpolateHermite()
- ofIsFloatEqual()
- ofLerp()
- ofLerpDegrees()
- ofLerpRadians()
- ofLineSegmentIntersection()
- ofMap()
- ofNextPow2()
- ofNoise()
- ofNormalize()
- ofRadToDeg()
- ofRandom()
- ofRandomHeight()
- ofRandomWidth()
- ofRandomf()
- ofRandomuf()
- ofSeedRandom()
- ofSign()
- ofSignedNoise()
- ofWrap()
- ofWrapDegrees()
- ofWrapRadians()
- ofMatrix4x4
- ofMatrix4x4()
- ~ofMatrix4x4()
- decompose()
- getFrustum()
- getInverse()
- getInverseOf()
- getLookAt()
- getOrtho()
- getOrthoNormalOf()
- getPerspective()
- getPtr()
- getRotate()
- getRowAsVec3f()
- getRowAsVec4f()
- getScale()
- getTranslation()
- getTransposedOf()
- glRotate()
- glRotateRad()
- glScale()
- glTranslate()
- isIdentity()
- isNaN()
- isValid()
- makeFromMultiplicationOf()
- makeFrustumMatrix()
- makeIdentityMatrix()
- makeInvertOf()
- makeLookAtMatrix()
- makeLookAtViewMatrix()
- makeOrtho2DMatrix()
- makeOrthoMatrix()
- makeOrthoNormalOf()
- makePerspectiveMatrix()
- makeRotationMatrix()
- makeScaleMatrix()
- makeTranslationMatrix()
- newFrustumMatrix()
- newIdentityMatrix()
- newLookAtMatrix()
- newOrtho2DMatrix()
- newOrthoMatrix()
- newPerspectiveMatrix()
- newRotationMatrix()
- newScaleMatrix()
- newTranslationMatrix()
- operator()()
- operator*()
- operator*=()
- operator=()
- postMult()
- postMultRotate()
- postMultScale()
- postMultTranslate()
- preMult()
- preMultRotate()
- preMultScale()
- preMultTranslate()
- rotate()
- rotateRad()
- scale()
- set()
- setRotate()
- setTranslation()
- transform3x3()
- translate()
- _mat
- ofQuaternion
- ofQuaternion()
- asVec3()
- asVec4()
- conj()
- get()
- getEuler()
- getRotate()
- inverse()
- length()
- length2()
- makeRotate()
- makeRotate_original()
- normalize()
- operator!=()
- operator*()
- operator*=()
- operator+()
- operator+=()
- operator-()
- operator-=()
- operator/()
- operator/=()
- operator=()
- operator==()
- operator[]()
- set()
- slerp()
- w()
- x()
- y()
- z()
- zeroRotation()
- _v
- ofVec2f
- ofVec2f()
- align()
- alignRad()
- angle()
- angleRad()
- average()
- distance()
- dot()
- getInterpolated()
- getLimited()
- getMiddle()
- getNormalized()
- getPerpendicular()
- getPtr()
- getRotated()
- getRotatedRad()
- getScaled()
- interpolate()
- isAligned()
- isAlignedRad()
- length()
- limit()
- map()
- match()
- middle()
- normalize()
- one()
- operator!=()
- operator*()
- operator*=()
- operator+()
- operator+=()
- operator-()
- operator-=()
- operator/()
- operator/=()
- operator==()
- operator[]()
- perpendicular()
- rotate()
- rotateRad()
- scale()
- set()
- squareDistance()
- zero()
- x
- y
- ofVec3f
- ofVec3f()
- align()
- alignRad()
- angle()
- angleRad()
- average()
- cross()
- distance()
- dot()
- getCrossed()
- getInterpolated()
- getLimited()
- getMapped()
- getMiddle()
- getNormalized()
- getPerpendicular()
- getPtr()
- getRotated()
- getRotatedRad()
- getScaled()
- interpolate()
- isAligned()
- isAlignedRad()
- length()
- limit()
- map()
- match()
- middle()
- normalize()
- one()
- operator!=()
- operator*()
- operator*=()
- operator+()
- operator+=()
- operator-()
- operator-=()
- operator/()
- operator/=()
- operator==()
- operator[]()
- perpendicular()
- rotate()
- rotateRad()
- scale()
- set()
- squareDistance()
- zero()
- x
- y
- z
- ofVec4f
- ofVec4f()
- average()
- distance()
- dot()
- getInterpolated()
- getLimited()
- getMiddle()
- getNormalized()
- getPtr()
- getScaled()
- interpolate()
- length()
- lengthSquared()
- limit()
- match()
- middle()
- normalize()
- one()
- operator!=()
- operator*()
- operator*=()
- operator+()
- operator+=()
- operator-()
- operator-=()
- operator/()
- operator/=()
- operator==()
- operator[]()
- scale()
- set()
- squareDistance()
- zero()
- w
- x
- y
- z
- ofSoundBuffer
- ofSoundBuffer()
- addTo()
- allocate()
- append()
- clear()
- copyFrom()
- copyTo()
- fillWithNoise()
- fillWithTone()
- getBuffer()
- getChannel()
- getDeviceID()
- getDurationMS()
- getDurationMicros()
- getDurationNanos()
- getNumChannels()
- getNumFrames()
- getRMSAmplitude()
- getRMSAmplitudeChannel()
- getSample()
- getSampleRate()
- getTickCount()
- hermiteResampleTo()
- linearResampleTo()
- normalize()
- operator*()
- operator*=()
- operator[]()
- resample()
- resampleTo()
- resize()
- set()
- setChannel()
- setDeviceID()
- setNumChannels()
- setSampleRate()
- setTickCount()
- size()
- stereoPan()
- swap()
- toShortPCM()
- trimSilence()
- defaultAlgorithm
- ofSoundPlayer
- getPan()
- getPlayer()
- getPosition()
- getPositionMS()
- getSpeed()
- getVolume()
- isLoaded()
- isPlaying()
- load()
- play()
- setLoop()
- setMultiPlay()
- setPan()
- setPaused()
- setPlayer()
- setPosition()
- setPositionMS()
- setSpeed()
- setVolume()
- stop()
- unload()
- ofSoundGetSpectrum()
- ofSoundSetVolume()
- ofSoundShutdown()
- ofSoundStopAll()
- ofSoundUpdate()
- ofSoundStream
- ofSoundStream()
- close()
- getBufferSize()
- getDeviceList()
- getMatchingDevices()
- getNumInputChannels()
- getNumOutputChannels()
- getSampleRate()
- getSoundStream()
- getTickCount()
- printDeviceList()
- setInput()
- setOutput()
- setSoundStream()
- setup()
- start()
- stop()
- ofSoundStreamClose()
- ofSoundStreamListDevices()
- ofSoundStreamSetup()
- ofSoundStreamStart()
- ofSoundStreamStop()
- ofColor
- ofColor_()
- clamp()
- fromHex()
- fromHsb()
- getBrightness()
- getClamped()
- getHex()
- getHsb()
- getHue()
- getHueAngle()
- getInverted()
- getLerped()
- getLightness()
- getSaturation()
- invert()
- lerp()
- limit()
- operator!=()
- operator*()
- operator*=()
- operator+()
- operator+=()
- operator-()
- operator-=()
- operator/()
- operator/=()
- operator=()
- operator==()
- operator[]()
- set()
- setBrightness()
- setHex()
- setHsb()
- setHue()
- setHueAngle()
- setSaturation()
- a
- aliceBlue
- antiqueWhite
- aqua
- aquamarine
- azure
- b
- beige
- bisque
- black
- blanchedAlmond
- blue
- blueSteel
- blueViolet
- brown
- burlyWood
- cadetBlue
- chartreuse
- chocolate
- coral
- cornflowerBlue
- cornsilk
- crimson
- cyan
- darkBlue
- darkCyan
- darkGoldenRod
- darkGray
- darkGreen
- darkGrey
- darkKhaki
- darkMagenta
- darkOliveGreen
- darkOrchid
- darkRed
- darkSalmon
- darkSeaGreen
- darkSlateBlue
- darkSlateGray
- darkSlateGrey
- darkTurquoise
- darkViolet
- darkorange
- deepPink
- deepSkyBlue
- dimGray
- dimGrey
- dodgerBlue
- fireBrick
- floralWhite
- forestGreen
- fuchsia
- g
- gainsboro
- ghostWhite
- gold
- goldenRod
- gray
- green
- greenYellow
- grey
- honeyDew
- hotPink
- indianRed
- indigo
- ivory
- khaki
- lavender
- lavenderBlush
- lawnGreen
- lemonChiffon
- lightBlue
- lightCoral
- lightCyan
- lightGoldenRodYellow
- lightGray
- lightGreen
- lightGrey
- lightPink
- lightSalmon
- lightSeaGreen
- lightSkyBlue
- lightSlateGray
- lightSlateGrey
- lightSteelBlue
- lightYellow
- lime
- limeGreen
- linen
- magenta
- maroon
- mediumAquaMarine
- mediumBlue
- mediumOrchid
- mediumPurple
- mediumSeaGreen
- mediumSlateBlue
- mediumSpringGreen
- mediumTurquoise
- mediumVioletRed
- midnightBlue
- mintCream
- mistyRose
- moccasin
- navajoWhite
- navy
- oldLace
- olive
- oliveDrab
- orange
- orangeRed
- orchid
- paleGoldenRod
- paleGreen
- paleTurquoise
- paleVioletRed
- papayaWhip
- peachPuff
- peru
- pink
- plum
- powderBlue
- purple
- r
- red
- rosyBrown
- royalBlue
- saddleBrown
- salmon
- sandyBrown
- seaGreen
- seaShell
- sienna
- silver
- skyBlue
- slateBlue
- slateGray
- slateGrey
- snow
- springGreen
- steelBlue
- tan
- teal
- thistle
- tomato
- turquoise
- violet
- wheat
- white
- whiteSmoke
- yellow
- yellowGreen
- ofParameter
- ofParameter()
- addListener()
- disableEvents()
- enableEvents()
- fromString()
- get()
- getFirstParent()
- getInternalObject()
- getMax()
- getMin()
- getName()
- getNumListeners()
- isReadOnly()
- isSerializable()
- makeReferenceTo()
- newListener()
- newReference()
- operator%=()
- operator&=()
- operator*=()
- operator++()
- operator+=()
- operator--()
- operator-=()
- operator->()
- operator/=()
- operator<<=()
- operator=()
- operator>>=()
- operator^=()
- operator|=()
- removeListener()
- set()
- setMax()
- setMin()
- setName()
- setParent()
- setSerializable()
- setWithoutEventNotifications()
- toString()
- valueType()
- ofParameterGroup
- ofParameterGroup()
- add()
- back()
- begin()
- clear()
- contains()
- end()
- fromString()
- front()
- get()
- getBool()
- getChar()
- getColor()
- getEscapedName()
- getFloat()
- getFloatColor()
- getGroup()
- getInt()
- getIsReadOnly()
- getName()
- getPoint()
- getPosition()
- getReadOnly()
- getShortColor()
- getString()
- getType()
- getVec2f()
- getVec3f()
- getVec4f()
- getVoid()
- isReadOnly()
- isSerializable()
- newReference()
- operator[]()
- parameterChangedE()
- rbegin()
- remove()
- rend()
- setName()
- setParent()
- setSerializable()
- size()
- toString()
- valueType()
- ofRectangle
- ofRectangle()
- ~ofRectangle()
- alignTo()
- alignToHorz()
- alignToVert()
- getArea()
- getAspectRatio()
- getBottom()
- getBottomLeft()
- getBottomRight()
- getCenter()
- getHeight()
- getHorzAnchor()
- getIntersection()
- getLeft()
- getMax()
- getMaxX()
- getMaxY()
- getMin()
- getMinX()
- getMinY()
- getPerimeter()
- getPosition()
- getRight()
- getStandardized()
- getTop()
- getTopLeft()
- getTopRight()
- getUnion()
- getVertAnchor()
- getWidth()
- getX()
- getY()
- growToInclude()
- inside()
- intersects()
- isEmpty()
- isStandardized()
- isZero()
- map()
- mapClamp()
- operator!=()
- operator+()
- operator-()
- operator==()
- scale()
- scaleFromCenter()
- scaleHeight()
- scaleTo()
- scaleWidth()
- set()
- setFromCenter()
- setHeight()
- setPosition()
- setSize()
- setWidth()
- setX()
- setY()
- standardize()
- translate()
- translateX()
- translateY()
- height
- position
- width
- x
- y
- ofDirectory
- ofDirectory()
- allowExt()
- begin()
- canExecute()
- canRead()
- canWrite()
- close()
- copyTo()
- create()
- createDirectory()
- doesDirectoryExist()
- end()
- exists()
- getAbsolutePath()
- getFile()
- getFiles()
- getName()
- getOriginalDirectory()
- getPath()
- getShowHidden()
- getSorted()
- isDirectory()
- isDirectoryEmpty()
- isHidden()
- listDir()
- moveTo()
- open()
- openFromCWD()
- operator!=()
- operator
- operator<=()
- operator==()
- operator>()
- operator>=()
- operator[]()
- path()
- rbegin()
- remove()
- removeDirectory()
- renameTo()
- rend()
- reset()
- setExecutable()
- setReadable()
- setShowHidden()
- setWriteable()
- size()
- sort()
- sortByDate()
- ofFile
- ofFile()
- ~ofFile()
- canExecute()
- canRead()
- canWrite()
- changeMode()
- close()
- copyFromTo()
- copyTo()
- create()
- doesFileExist()
- exists()
- getAbsolutePath()
- getBaseName()
- getEnclosingDirectory()
- getExtension()
- getFileBuffer()
- getFileName()
- getSize()
- isDevice()
- isDirectory()
- isFile()
- isHidden()
- isLink()
- moveFromTo()
- moveTo()
- open()
- openFromCWD()
- operator!=()
- operator
- operator<=()
- operator=()
- operator==()
- operator>()
- operator>=()
- path()
- readToBuffer()
- remove()
- removeFile()
- renameTo()
- setExecutable()
- setReadable()
- setWriteable()
- writeFromBuffer()
- ofFilePath
- addLeadingSlash()
- addTrailingSlash()
- createEnclosingDirectory()
- getAbsolutePath()
- getBaseName()
- getCurrentExeDir()
- getCurrentExePath()
- getCurrentWorkingDirectory()
- getEnclosingDirectory()
- getFileExt()
- getFileName()
- getPathForDirectory()
- getUserHomeDir()
- isAbsolute()
- join()
- makeRelative()
- removeExt()
- removeTrailingSlash()
- ofURLFileLoader
- ofURLFileLoader()
- clear()
- get()
- getAsync()
- handleRequest()
- handleRequestAsync()
- remove()
- saveAsync()
- saveTo()
- stop()
- ofLoadURL()
- ofLoadURLAsync()
- ofRegisterURLNotification()
- ofRemoveAllURLRequests()
- ofRemoveURLRequest()
- ofSaveURLAsync()
- ofSaveURLTo()
- ofStopURLLoader()
- ofURLResponseEvent()
- ofUnregisterURLNotification()
- ofUtils
- ofBinaryToChar()
- ofBinaryToFloat()
- ofBinaryToInt()
- ofBinaryToString()
- ofContains()
- ofFind()
- ofFromString()
- ofGetCurrentTime()
- ofGetDay()
- ofGetElapsedTimeMicros()
- ofGetElapsedTimeMillis()
- ofGetElapsedTimef()
- ofGetEnv()
- ofGetFrameNum()
- ofGetHours()
- ofGetMinutes()
- ofGetMonth()
- ofGetSeconds()
- ofGetSystemTimeMicros()
- ofGetSystemTimeMillis()
- ofGetTargetPlatform()
- ofGetTimestampString()
- ofGetUnixTime()
- ofGetVersionInfo()
- ofGetVersionMajor()
- ofGetVersionMinor()
- ofGetVersionPatch()
- ofGetVersionPreRelease()
- ofGetWeekday()
- ofGetYear()
- ofHexToChar()
- ofHexToFloat()
- ofHexToInt()
- ofHexToString()
- ofIsStringInString()
- ofJoinString()
- ofLaunchBrowser()
- ofRandomize()
- ofRemove()
- ofResetElapsedTimeCounter()
- ofRestoreWorkingDirectoryToDefault()
- ofSaveFrame()
- ofSaveScreen()
- ofSaveViewport()
- ofSetDataPathRoot()
- ofSleepMillis()
- ofSort()
- ofSplitString()
- ofStringReplace()
- ofStringTimesInString()
- ofSystem()
- ofTo()
- ofToBinary()
- ofToBool()
- ofToChar()
- ofToDataPath()
- ofToDouble()
- ofToFloat()
- ofToHex()
- ofToInt()
- ofToInt64()
- ofToLower()
- ofToString()
- ofToUpper()
- ofTrim()
- ofTrimBack()
- ofTrimFront()
- ofUTF8Append()
- ofUTF8Erase()
- ofUTF8Insert()
- ofUTF8Length()
- ofUTF8Substring()
- ofUTF8ToString()
- ofVAArgsToString()
- ofXml
- ofXml()
- appendAttribute()
- appendChild()
- find()
- findFirst()
- getAttribute()
- getAttributes()
- getBoolValue()
- getChild()
- getChildren()
- getDoubleValue()
- getFirstAttribute()
- getFirstChild()
- getFloatValue()
- getIntValue()
- getLastAttribute()
- getLastChild()
- getName()
- getNextSibling()
- getPreviousSibling()
- getUintValue()
- getValue()
- insertChildAfter()
- insertChildBefore()
- load()
- parse()
- prependAttribute()
- prependChild()
- removeChild()
- save()
- set()
- setAttribute()
- setName()
- toString()
- ofDeserialize()
- ofSerialize()
- ofVideoGrabber
- bind()
- close()
- draw()
- getGrabber()
- getHeight()
- getPixelFormat()
- getPixels()
- getTexture()
- getTexturePlanes()
- getWidth()
- initGrabber()
- isFrameNew()
- isInitialized()
- isUsingTexture()
- listDevices()
- setAnchorPoint()
- setDesiredFrameRate()
- setDeviceID()
- setGrabber()
- setPixelFormat()
- setUseTexture()
- setVerbose()
- setup()
- unbind()
- update()
- videoSettings()
- ofVideoPlayer
- bind()
- close()
- closeMovie()
- draw()
- firstFrame()
- getCurrentFrame()
- getDuration()
- getHeight()
- getIsMovieDone()
- getLoopState()
- getMoviePath()
- getPixelFormat()
- getPixels()
- getPlayer()
- getPosition()
- getSpeed()
- getTexture()
- getTexturePlanes()
- getTotalNumFrames()
- getWidth()
- isFrameNew()
- isInitialized()
- isLoaded()
- isPaused()
- isPlaying()
- isUsingTexture()
- load()
- loadAsync()
- nextFrame()
- play()
- previousFrame()
- setAnchorPoint()
- setFrame()
- setLoopState()
- setPaused()
- setPixelFormat()
- setPlayer()
- setPosition()
- setSpeed()
- setUseTexture()
- setVolume()
- stop()
- unbind()
- update()
- ofAppAndroidWindow
- ofAppAndroidWindow()
- ~ofAppAndroidWindow()
- allowsMultiWindow()
- disableSetupScreen()
- doesHWOrientation()
- doesLoop()
- draw()
- enableSetupScreen()
- events()
- getHeight()
- getOrientation()
- getScreenSize()
- getWidth()
- getWindowMode()
- getWindowPosition()
- getWindowSize()
- hideCursor()
- isSurfaceDestroyed()
- loop()
- needsPolling()
- pollEvents()
- renderer()
- setAccumulateTouchEvents()
- setFullscreen()
- setOrientation()
- setThreadedEvents()
- setWindowPosition()
- setWindowShape()
- setWindowTitle()
- setup()
- showCursor()
- toggleFullscreen()
- update()
- ofxAndroidUtils
- ofGetJNIEnv()
- ofGetJavaOFAndroid()
- ofGetJavaVMPtr()
- ofGetOFActivityObject()
- ofxAndroidAlertBox()
- ofxAndroidAlertListBox()
- ofxAndroidAlertTextBox()
- ofxAndroidCheckPermission()
- ofxAndroidCheckSDCardMounted()
- ofxAndroidDisableMulticast()
- ofxAndroidDismissProgressBox()
- ofxAndroidEnableMulticast()
- ofxAndroidEvents()
- ofxAndroidGetStringRes()
- ofxAndroidGetTextBoxResult()
- ofxAndroidIsMobileOnline()
- ofxAndroidIsOnline()
- ofxAndroidIsWifiOnline()
- ofxAndroidLaunchBrowser()
- ofxAndroidLockScreenSleep()
- ofxAndroidMonitorNetworkState()
- ofxAndroidNotifyLoadPercent()
- ofxAndroidOkCancelBox()
- ofxAndroidPauseApp()
- ofxAndroidProgressBox()
- ofxAndroidRandomUUID()
- ofxAndroidRequestPermission()
- ofxAndroidSetViewItemChecked()
- ofxAndroidToast()
- ofxAndroidUnlockScreenSleep()
- ofxAndroidYesNoBox()
- ofxJavaCallBoolMethod()
- ofxJavaCallFloatMethod()
- ofxJavaCallIntMethod()
- ofxJavaCallLongMethod()
- ofxJavaCallObjectMethod()
- ofxJavaCallStaticObjectMethod()
- ofxJavaCallStaticVoidMethod()
- ofxJavaCallVoidMethod()
- ofxJavaGetClassID()
- ofxJavaGetClassName()
- ofxJavaGetJString()
- ofxJavaGetMethodID()
- ofxJavaGetStaticFieldID()
- ofxJavaGetStaticMethodID()
- ofxJavaGetStaticObjectField()
- ofxJstringToString()
- ofxAssimpAnimation
- ofxAssimpAnimation()
- ~ofxAssimpAnimation()
- getAnimation()
- getDurationInMilliSeconds()
- getDurationInSeconds()
- getPosition()
- getPositionInMilliSeconds()
- getPositionInSeconds()
- getSpeed()
- isFinished()
- isFrameNew()
- isPaused()
- isPlaying()
- play()
- reset()
- setLoopState()
- setPaused()
- setPosition()
- setSpeed()
- stop()
- update()
- ofxAssimpModelLoader
- ofxAssimpModelLoader()
- ~ofxAssimpModelLoader()
- calculateDimensions()
- clear()
- createEmptyModel()
- createLightsFromAiModel()
- disableColors()
- disableMaterials()
- disableNormals()
- disableTextures()
- draw()
- drawFaces()
- drawVertices()
- drawWireframe()
- enableColors()
- enableMaterials()
- enableNormals()
- enableTextures()
- getAnimation()
- getAnimationCount()
- getAssimpScene()
- getCurrentAnimatedMesh()
- getMaterialForMesh()
- getMesh()
- getMeshCount()
- getMeshHelper()
- getMeshNames()
- getModelMatrix()
- getNormalizedScale()
- getNumMeshes()
- getNumRotations()
- getPosition()
- getRotationAngle()
- getRotationAxis()
- getScale()
- getSceneCenter()
- getSceneMax()
- getSceneMin()
- getTextureForMesh()
- hasAnimations()
- hasMeshes()
- loadModel()
- optimizeScene()
- playAllAnimations()
- resetAllAnimations()
- setLoopStateForAllAnimations()
- setNormalizationFactor()
- setPausedForAllAnimations()
- setPosition()
- setPositionForAllAnimations()
- setRotation()
- setScale()
- setScaleNormalization()
- stopAllAnimations()
- update()
- ofxAppEmscriptenWindow
- ofxAppEmscriptenWindow()
- ~ofxAppEmscriptenWindow()
- allowsMultiWindow()
- disableSetupScreen()
- doesHWOrientation()
- doesLoop()
- enableSetupScreen()
- events()
- getEGLContext()
- getEGLDisplay()
- getEGLSurface()
- getHeight()
- getOrientation()
- getScreenSize()
- getWidth()
- getWindowMode()
- getWindowPosition()
- getWindowSize()
- hideCursor()
- loop()
- needsPolling()
- pollEvents()
- renderer()
- setFullscreen()
- setOrientation()
- setVerticalSync()
- setWindowPosition()
- setWindowShape()
- setWindowTitle()
- setup()
- showCursor()
- toggleFullscreen()
- ofxEmscriptenSoundPlayer
- ofxEmscriptenSoundPlayer()
- ~ofxEmscriptenSoundPlayer()
- getDurationMS()
- getDurationSecs()
- getPan()
- getPosition()
- getPositionMS()
- getSpeed()
- getSystemSpectrum()
- getVolume()
- isLoaded()
- isPlaying()
- load()
- play()
- setLoop()
- setMultiPlay()
- setPan()
- setPaused()
- setPosition()
- setPositionMS()
- setSpeed()
- setVolume()
- stop()
- unload()
- ofxEmscriptenVideoPlayer
- ofxEmscriptenVideoPlayer()
- ~ofxEmscriptenVideoPlayer()
- close()
- firstFrame()
- getCurrentFrame()
- getDuration()
- getHeight()
- getIsMovieDone()
- getLoopState()
- getPixelFormat()
- getPixels()
- getPosition()
- getSpeed()
- getTexture()
- getTotalNumFrames()
- getWidth()
- isFrameNew()
- isLoaded()
- isPaused()
- isPlaying()
- load()
- nextFrame()
- play()
- previousFrame()
- setFrame()
- setLoopState()
- setPaused()
- setPixelFormat()
- setPosition()
- setSpeed()
- setUsePixels()
- setVolume()
- stop()
- update()
- ofxBaseGui
- ofxBaseGui()
- ~ofxBaseGui()
- draw()
- getBackgroundColor()
- getBorderColor()
- getFillColor()
- getHeaderBackgroundColor()
- getHeight()
- getName()
- getParameter()
- getParent()
- getPosition()
- getShape()
- getTextColor()
- getWidth()
- loadFont()
- loadFrom()
- loadFromFile()
- mouseDragged()
- mouseEntered()
- mouseExited()
- mouseMoved()
- mousePressed()
- mouseReleased()
- mouseScrolled()
- registerMouseEvents()
- saveTo()
- saveToFile()
- setBackgroundColor()
- setBorderColor()
- setDefaultBackgroundColor()
- setDefaultBorderColor()
- setDefaultEventsPriority()
- setDefaultFillColor()
- setDefaultHeaderBackgroundColor()
- setDefaultHeight()
- setDefaultTextColor()
- setDefaultTextPadding()
- setDefaultWidth()
- setFillColor()
- setHeaderBackgroundColor()
- setName()
- setParent()
- setPosition()
- setShape()
- setSize()
- setTextColor()
- setUseTTF()
- sizeChangedCB()
- unregisterMouseEvents()
- ofxGuiGroup
- ofxGuiGroup()
- ~ofxGuiGroup()
- add()
- clear()
- getButton()
- getControl()
- getControlNames()
- getFloatSlider()
- getGroup()
- getIntSlider()
- getNumControls()
- getParameter()
- getToggle()
- isMinimized()
- maximize()
- maximizeAll()
- minimize()
- minimizeAll()
- mouseDragged()
- mouseMoved()
- mousePressed()
- mouseReleased()
- mouseScrolled()
- setPosition()
- setWidthElements()
- setup()
- sizeChangedCB()
- ofxInputField
- ofxInputField()
- addListener()
- charPressed()
- containsValidValue()
- getMax()
- getMin()
- getParameter()
- keyPressed()
- mouseDragged()
- mouseMoved()
- mousePressed()
- mouseReleased()
- mouseScrolled()
- operator=()
- removeListener()
- setBlinkingCursor()
- setMax()
- setMin()
- setShowLabelWhileEditing()
- setup()
- ofxKinect
- ofxKinect()
- ~ofxKinect()
- clear()
- close()
- draw()
- drawDepth()
- enableDepthNearValueWhite()
- getAccelPitch()
- getAccelRoll()
- getColorAt()
- getCurrentCameraTiltAngle()
- getDepthPixels()
- getDepthPixelsRef()
- getDepthTextureReference()
- getDeviceId()
- getDistanceAt()
- getDistancePixels()
- getDistancePixelsRef()
- getFarClipping()
- getHeight()
- getMksAccel()
- getNearClipping()
- getPixels()
- getPixelsRef()
- getRawAccel()
- getRawDepthPixels()
- getRawDepthPixelsRef()
- getSensorCameraDistance()
- getSensorEmitterDistance()
- getSerial()
- getTargetCameraTiltAngle()
- getTextureReference()
- getWidth()
- getWorldCoordinateAt()
- getZeroPlaneDistance()
- getZeroPlanePixelSize()
- hasAccelControl()
- hasCamTiltControl()
- hasLedControl()
- init()
- isConnected()
- isDepthNearValueWhite()
- isDeviceConnected()
- isFrameNew()
- isFrameNewDepth()
- isFrameNewVideo()
- listDevices()
- nextAvailableId()
- nextAvailableSerial()
- numAvailableDevices()
- numConnectedDevices()
- numTotalDevices()
- open()
- setCameraTiltAngle()
- setDepthClipping()
- setLed()
- setRegistration()
- setUseTexture()
- update()
- height
- width
- ofxTCPClient
- ofxTCPClient()
- ~ofxTCPClient()
- close()
- getIP()
- getNumReceivedBytes()
- getPort()
- isConnected()
- peekReceiveRawBytes()
- receive()
- receiveRaw()
- receiveRawBytes()
- receiveRawMsg()
- send()
- sendRaw()
- sendRawBytes()
- sendRawMsg()
- setMessageDelimiter()
- setVerbose()
- setup()
- threadedFunction()
- TCPClient
- ofxTCPServer
- ofxTCPServer()
- ~ofxTCPServer()
- close()
- disconnectAllClients()
- disconnectClient()
- getClientIP()
- getClientPort()
- getLastID()
- getNumClients()
- getNumReceivedBytes()
- getPort()
- isClientConnected()
- isConnected()
- operator=()
- peekReceiveRawBytes()
- receive()
- receiveRawBytes()
- receiveRawMsg()
- send()
- sendRawBytes()
- sendRawBytesToAll()
- sendRawMsg()
- sendRawMsgToAll()
- sendToAll()
- setMessageDelimiter()
- setVerbose()
- setup()
- waitConnectedClient()
- TCPConnections
- TCPServer
- ofxUDPManager
- ofxUDPManager()
- ~ofxUDPManager()
- Bind()
- BindMcast()
- Close()
- Connect()
- ConnectMcast()
- Create()
- GetListenAddr()
- GetMaxMsgSize()
- GetReceiveBufferSize()
- GetRemoteAddr()
- GetSendBufferSize()
- GetTTL()
- GetTimeoutReceive()
- GetTimeoutSend()
- HasSocket()
- PeekReceive()
- Receive()
- Send()
- SendAll()
- SetEnableBroadcast()
- SetNonBlocking()
- SetReceiveBufferSize()
- SetReuseAddress()
- SetSendBufferSize()
- SetTTL()
- SetTimeoutReceive()
- SetTimeoutSend()
- Setup()
- ofxCvColorImage
- ofxCvColorImage()
- clear()
- contrastStretch()
- convertHsvToRgb()
- convertRgbToHsv()
- convertToGrayscalePlanarImage()
- convertToGrayscalePlanarImages()
- convertToRange()
- operator+=()
- operator-=()
- operator=()
- resize()
- scaleIntoMe()
- set()
- setFromGrayscalePlanarImages()
- setFromPixels()
- setRoiFromPixels()
- ofxCvFloatImage
- ofxCvFloatImage()
- addWeighted()
- clear()
- contrastStretch()
- convertToRange()
- flagImageChanged()
- getFloatPixelsRef()
- getNativeScaleMax()
- getNativeScaleMin()
- getPixelsAsFloats()
- getRoiFloatPixelsRef()
- getRoiPixelsAsFloats()
- operator&=()
- operator*=()
- operator/=()
- operator=()
- resize()
- scaleIntoMe()
- set()
- setFromPixels()
- setNativeScale()
- setRoiFromPixels()
- ofxCvGrayscaleImage
- ofxCvGrayscaleImage()
- ~ofxCvGrayscaleImage()
- absDiff()
- adaptiveThreshold()
- blurHeavily()
- brightnessContrast()
- contrastStretch()
- convertToRange()
- dilate_3x3()
- erode_3x3()
- operator=()
- resize()
- scaleIntoMe()
- set()
- setFromColorImage()
- setFromFloatImage()
- setFromPixels()
- setRoiFromPixels()
- threshold()
- ofxCvImage
- ofxCvImage()
- ~ofxCvImage()
- allocate()
- blur()
- blurGaussian()
- clear()
- contrastStretch()
- convertToRange()
- countNonZeroInRegion()
- dilate()
- draw()
- drawBlobIntoMe()
- drawROI()
- erode()
- flagImageChanged()
- getCvImage()
- getHeight()
- getIntersectionROI()
- getPixels()
- getROI()
- getRoiPixels()
- getTexture()
- getWidth()
- invert()
- isUsingTexture()
- mirror()
- operator&=()
- operator*=()
- operator+=()
- operator-=()
- operator=()
- remap()
- resetAnchor()
- resetROI()
- resize()
- rotate()
- scale()
- scaleIntoMe()
- set()
- setAnchorPercent()
- setAnchorPoint()
- setFromPixels()
- setROI()
- setRoiFromPixels()
- setUseTexture()
- transform()
- translate()
- undistort()
- updateTexture()
- warpIntoMe()
- warpPerspective()
- bAllocated
- height
- width
- ofxOscMessage
- ofxOscMessage()
- ~ofxOscMessage()
- addBlobArg()
- addBoolArg()
- addCharArg()
- addDoubleArg()
- addFloatArg()
- addImpulseArg()
- addInfinitumArg()
- addInt32Arg()
- addInt64Arg()
- addIntArg()
- addMidiMessageArg()
- addNoneArg()
- addRgbaColorArg()
- addStringArg()
- addSymbolArg()
- addTimetagArg()
- addTriggerArg()
- clear()
- copy()
- getAddress()
- getArgAsBlob()
- getArgAsBool()
- getArgAsChar()
- getArgAsDouble()
- getArgAsFloat()
- getArgAsImpulse()
- getArgAsInfinitum()
- getArgAsInt()
- getArgAsInt32()
- getArgAsInt64()
- getArgAsMidiMessage()
- getArgAsNone()
- getArgAsRgbaColor()
- getArgAsString()
- getArgAsSymbol()
- getArgAsTimetag()
- getArgAsTrigger()
- getArgType()
- getArgTypeName()
- getNumArgs()
- getRemoteHost()
- getRemotePort()
- getTypeString()
- operator=()
- setAddress()
- setRemoteEndpoint()
- ofxXmlPoco
- ofxXmlPoco()
- ~ofxXmlPoco()
- addChild()
- addValue()
- addXml()
- clear()
- exists()
- getAttribute()
- getAttributes()
- getBoolValue()
- getFloatValue()
- getInt64Value()
- getIntValue()
- getName()
- getNumChildren()
- getPocoDocument()
- getPocoElement()
- getValue()
- load()
- loadFromBuffer()
- operator=()
- remove()
- removeAttribute()
- removeAttributes()
- removeContents()
- reset()
- save()
- setAttribute()
- setTo()
- setToChild()
- setToParent()
- setToPrevSibling()
- setToSibling()
- setValue()
- toString()
- tokenize()
- ofDeserialize()
- ofSerialize()
- ofxXmlSettings
- ofxXmlSettings()
- addAttribute()
- addTag()
- addValue()
- attributeExists()
- clear()
- clearTagAttributes()
- clearTagContents()
- copyXmlToString()
- getAttribute()
- getAttributeNames()
- getNumAttributes()
- getNumTags()
- getPushLevel()
- getValue()
- load()
- loadFile()
- loadFromBuffer()
- popTag()
- pushTag()
- removeAttribute()
- removeTag()
- save()
- saveFile()
- setAttribute()
- setValue()
- tagExists()
- ofDeserialize()
- ofSerialize()
- bDocLoaded
- doc
- ofAppiOSWindow
- ofAppiOSWindow()
- ~ofAppiOSWindow()
- disableAntiAliasing()
- disableDepthBuffer()
- disableHardwareOrientation()
- disableOrientationAnimation()
- disableRetina()
- disableSetupScreen()
- doesHWOrientation()
- enableAntiAliasing()
- enableDepthBuffer()
- enableHardwareOrientation()
- enableOrientationAnimation()
- enableRendererES1()
- enableRendererES2()
- enableRetina()
- enableSetupScreen()
- getAntiAliasingSampleCount()
- getHeight()
- getInstance()
- getOrientation()
- getScreenSize()
- getWidth()
- getWindowMode()
- getWindowPosition()
- getWindowSize()
- hideCursor()
- initializeWindow()
- isAntiAliasingEnabled()
- isDepthBufferEnabled()
- isRendererES1()
- isRendererES2()
- isRetinaEnabled()
- isRetinaSupportedOnDevice()
- isSetupScreenEnabled()
- runAppViaInfiniteLoop()
- setFullscreen()
- setOrientation()
- setVerticalSync()
- setWindowPosition()
- setWindowShape()
- setWindowTitle()
- setupOpenGL()
- showCursor()
- startAppWithDelegate()
- toggleFullscreen()
- ofxiOSCoreLocation
- ofxiOSCoreLocation()
- ~ofxiOSCoreLocation()
- getAltitude()
- getAltitudeAccuracy()
- getCompassX()
- getCompassY()
- getCompassZ()
- getDistMoved()
- getHeadingAccuracy()
- getLatitude()
- getLocationAccuracy()
- getLongitude()
- getMagneticHeading()
- getTrueHeading()
- startHeading()
- startLocation()
- startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges()
- stopHeading()
- stopLocation()
- stopMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges()
- ofxiOSExtras
- ofxiOSBundleImageToGLTexture()
- ofxiOSCGImageToPixels()
- ofxiOSDisableIdleTimer()
- ofxiOSEnableIdleTimer()
- ofxiOSEnableLoopInThread()
- ofxiOSGetAppDelegate()
- ofxiOSGetClipboardString()
- ofxiOSGetDeviceRevision()
- ofxiOSGetDeviceType()
- ofxiOSGetDocumentsDirectory()
- ofxiOSGetGLParentView()
- ofxiOSGetGLView()
- ofxiOSGetMicAverageLevel()
- ofxiOSGetOFWindow()
- ofxiOSGetUIWindow()
- ofxiOSGetViewController()
- ofxiOSHasAudioIn()
- ofxiOSLaunchBrowser()
- ofxiOSLockGLContext()
- ofxiOSNSStringToString()
- ofxiOSScreenGrab()
- ofxiOSSendGLViewToBack()
- ofxiOSSendGLViewToFront()
- ofxiOSSetClipboardString()
- ofxiOSSetGLViewTransparent()
- ofxiOSSetGLViewUserInteraction()
- ofxiOSStringToNSString()
- ofxiOSUIImageToGLTexture()
- ofxiOSUIImageToOFImage()
- ofxiOSUIImageToPixels()
- ofxiOSUnlockGLContext()
- ofxiOSImagePicker
- ofxiOSImagePicker()
- ~ofxiOSImagePicker()
- close()
- getOrientation()
- loadPixels()
- openCamera()
- openLibrary()
- openSavedPhotos()
- saveImage()
- setMaxDimension()
- bpp
- cameraIsAvailable
- glType
- height
- imageUpdated
- maxDimension
- photoLibraryIsAvailable
- pixels
- pixelsAllocated
- savedPhotosIsAvailable
- texType
- type
- width