Troubleshooting openFrameworks on the Raspberry Pi
Are you using the hard-float Raspbian "Jessie" distribution?
openFrameworks 0.9.0 requires Debian Jessie hard-float and openFrameworks 0.8.4 requires Debian Wheezy hard-float. There is also a soft-float Debian "wheezy" that is not compatible with openFrameworks. Arch Linux support is planned, but not currently supported.
Are you giving your Raspberry Pi enough power?
Many otherwise inexplicable problems seem to be the result of inadequate power. See Power Supply Problems for more for information.
Running takes forever.
Sometimes the Raspbian mirrors can be extremely slow. You may want to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list
to use one of these
Compiling openFrameworks hangs on ofColor?
Make sure you have at least 128MB of RAM given to the CPU. Check the Configure the Raspberry Pi section in Getting Started
Debugging your app and/or openFrameworks
You can build openFrameworks and your app with debug symbols by using the command make Debug
in any project. You can then use gdb in order to narrow down issues.
Are you running into problems with a USB device?
Reference the list of Verified Peripherals]( If your USB device isn't listed and is failing please follow these steps to gather useful log information from the Pi:
rm /var/log/kern.log /var/log/kern.log.1 /var/log/kern.log.*.gz
shutdown -r now
- run your App
lsusb -v | grep -iP "Transfer Type.*(Interrupt|Isochronous)" | wc -l
cat /var/log/kern.log | grep -iP "fail|warn|error" | perl -p -e 's/^[^]\n]*]//g;s/(warn_alloc_failed: )[0-9]+/$1/g' | sort -u;
- copy and paste the output to a gist
For more information on debugging USB devices reference the Raspberry Pi USB checklist