Sort a vector of a more complex data type

If you have an object that has multiple variables it becomes trickier to sort. We can use ofSort(...) with a boolean function that helps tell ofSort what to sort on.

Here's a short example -- First, we are definining the object at the top of ofApp (this could also be in seperate files, etc). We also define a boolean function called sortMe which takes two references to the objects to compare and returns true if a should be before b. In this case we are sorting on age (youngest first) but we could sort on another property.

#include "ofApp.h"

// create an object which has data inside it we want to sort
class myObject {
        float age;
        int id;

// a boolean function that tells ofSort how to compare two items
bool sortMe(myObject & a, myObject & b){
    if (a.age < b.age){
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

void ofApp::setup(){

    // Make three objects

    myObject a;
    myObject b;
    myObject c;

    // Give the objects different data = 0; = 1; = 2;

    a.age = 100;
    b.age = 1000;
    c.age = 5;

    // Place the objects in a vector

    std::vector<myObject> objects = {a,b,c};

    // Show the content of the vector before sorting

    std::cout << "before ofSort()" << std::endl;    
    for (auto & obj : objects) {
        std::cout << << " " << obj.age << std::endl;

    // Sort the vector

    ofSort(objects, &sortMe);

    // Show the content of the vector after sorting

    std::cout << "after ofSort()" << std::endl;    
    for (auto & obj : objects) {
        std::cout << << " " << obj.age << std::endl;

when you run this code, you'll see the following:

before ofSort()
0 100
1 1000
2 5
after ofSort()
2 5
0 100
1 1000

Note you can change the boolean function -- this, for example, would sort the objects from oldest to youngest as we've switched the < to a > :

bool sortMe(myObject & a, myObject & b){
    if (a.age > b.age){
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;