Classes for playing sound files and sound input and output
This module contains classes that do two main functionalities:
Load and playback sound files through ofSoundPlayer
Read and write sound directly from/to the sound card with ofSoundStream
ofSoundBuffer can be used in combination with ofSoundStream or with external libraries to manipulate sounds, like crop them, append a sound buffer to another, change its rate...
- ofSoundBuffer()
- addTo()
- allocate()
- append()
- clear()
- copyFrom()
- copyTo()
- fillWithNoise()
- fillWithTone()
- getBuffer()
- getChannel()
- getDeviceID()
- getDurationMS()
- getDurationMicros()
- getDurationNanos()
- getNumChannels()
- getNumFrames()
- getRMSAmplitude()
- getRMSAmplitudeChannel()
- getSample()
- getSampleRate()
- getTickCount()
- hermiteResampleTo()
- linearResampleTo()
- normalize()
- operator*()
- operator*=()
- operator[]()
- resample()
- resampleTo()
- resize()
- set()
- setChannel()
- setDeviceID()
- setNumChannels()
- setSampleRate()
- setTickCount()
- size()
- stereoPan()
- swap()
- toShortPCM()
- trimSilence()
- defaultAlgorithm
- getPan()
- getPlayer()
- getPosition()
- getPositionMS()
- getSpeed()
- getVolume()
- isLoaded()
- isPlaying()
- load()
- play()
- setLoop()
- setMultiPlay()
- setPan()
- setPaused()
- setPlayer()
- setPosition()
- setPositionMS()
- setSpeed()
- setVolume()
- stop()
- unload()
- ofSoundGetSpectrum()
- ofSoundSetVolume()
- ofSoundShutdown()
- ofSoundStopAll()
- ofSoundUpdate()
- ofSoundStream()
- close()
- getBufferSize()
- getDeviceList()
- getMatchingDevices()
- getNumInputChannels()
- getNumOutputChannels()
- getSampleRate()
- getSoundStream()
- getTickCount()
- printDeviceList()
- setInput()
- setOutput()
- setSoundStream()
- setup()
- start()
- stop()
- ofSoundStreamClose()
- ofSoundStreamListDevices()
- ofSoundStreamSetup()
- ofSoundStreamStart()
- ofSoundStreamStop()