Classes and utils to work with iOS devices
- ofAppiOSWindow()
- ~ofAppiOSWindow()
- disableAntiAliasing()
- disableDepthBuffer()
- disableHardwareOrientation()
- disableOrientationAnimation()
- disableRetina()
- disableSetupScreen()
- doesHWOrientation()
- enableAntiAliasing()
- enableDepthBuffer()
- enableHardwareOrientation()
- enableOrientationAnimation()
- enableRendererES1()
- enableRendererES2()
- enableRetina()
- enableSetupScreen()
- getAntiAliasingSampleCount()
- getHeight()
- getInstance()
- getOrientation()
- getScreenSize()
- getWidth()
- getWindowMode()
- getWindowPosition()
- getWindowSize()
- hideCursor()
- initializeWindow()
- isAntiAliasingEnabled()
- isDepthBufferEnabled()
- isRendererES1()
- isRendererES2()
- isRetinaEnabled()
- isRetinaSupportedOnDevice()
- isSetupScreenEnabled()
- runAppViaInfiniteLoop()
- setFullscreen()
- setOrientation()
- setVerticalSync()
- setWindowPosition()
- setWindowShape()
- setWindowTitle()
- setupOpenGL()
- showCursor()
- startAppWithDelegate()
- toggleFullscreen()
- ofxiOSCoreLocation()
- ~ofxiOSCoreLocation()
- getAltitude()
- getAltitudeAccuracy()
- getCompassX()
- getCompassY()
- getCompassZ()
- getDistMoved()
- getHeadingAccuracy()
- getLatitude()
- getLocationAccuracy()
- getLongitude()
- getMagneticHeading()
- getTrueHeading()
- startHeading()
- startLocation()
- startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges()
- stopHeading()
- stopLocation()
- stopMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges()
- ofxiOSBundleImageToGLTexture()
- ofxiOSCGImageToPixels()
- ofxiOSDisableIdleTimer()
- ofxiOSEnableIdleTimer()
- ofxiOSEnableLoopInThread()
- ofxiOSGetAppDelegate()
- ofxiOSGetClipboardString()
- ofxiOSGetDeviceRevision()
- ofxiOSGetDeviceType()
- ofxiOSGetDocumentsDirectory()
- ofxiOSGetGLParentView()
- ofxiOSGetGLView()
- ofxiOSGetMicAverageLevel()
- ofxiOSGetOFWindow()
- ofxiOSGetUIWindow()
- ofxiOSGetViewController()
- ofxiOSHasAudioIn()
- ofxiOSLaunchBrowser()
- ofxiOSLockGLContext()
- ofxiOSNSStringToString()
- ofxiOSScreenGrab()
- ofxiOSSendGLViewToBack()
- ofxiOSSendGLViewToFront()
- ofxiOSSetClipboardString()
- ofxiOSSetGLViewTransparent()
- ofxiOSSetGLViewUserInteraction()
- ofxiOSStringToNSString()
- ofxiOSUIImageToGLTexture()
- ofxiOSUIImageToOFImage()
- ofxiOSUIImageToPixels()
- ofxiOSUnlockGLContext()
- ofxiOSImagePicker()
- ~ofxiOSImagePicker()
- close()
- getOrientation()
- loadPixels()
- openCamera()
- openLibrary()
- openSavedPhotos()
- saveImage()
- setMaxDimension()
- bpp
- cameraIsAvailable
- glType
- height
- imageUpdated
- maxDimension
- photoLibraryIsAvailable
- pixels
- pixelsAllocated
- savedPhotosIsAvailable
- texType
- type
- width