Addon to work with Kinect v1 cameras
- ofxKinect()
- ~ofxKinect()
- clear()
- close()
- draw()
- drawDepth()
- enableDepthNearValueWhite()
- getAccelPitch()
- getAccelRoll()
- getColorAt()
- getCurrentCameraTiltAngle()
- getDepthPixels()
- getDepthPixelsRef()
- getDepthTextureReference()
- getDeviceId()
- getDistanceAt()
- getDistancePixels()
- getDistancePixelsRef()
- getFarClipping()
- getHeight()
- getMksAccel()
- getNearClipping()
- getPixels()
- getPixelsRef()
- getRawAccel()
- getRawDepthPixels()
- getRawDepthPixelsRef()
- getSensorCameraDistance()
- getSensorEmitterDistance()
- getSerial()
- getTargetCameraTiltAngle()
- getTextureReference()
- getWidth()
- getWorldCoordinateAt()
- getZeroPlaneDistance()
- getZeroPlanePixelSize()
- hasAccelControl()
- hasCamTiltControl()
- hasLedControl()
- init()
- isConnected()
- isDepthNearValueWhite()
- isDeviceConnected()
- isFrameNew()
- isFrameNewDepth()
- isFrameNewVideo()
- listDevices()
- nextAvailableId()
- nextAvailableSerial()
- numAvailableDevices()
- numConnectedDevices()
- numTotalDevices()
- open()
- setCameraTiltAngle()
- setDepthClipping()
- setLed()
- setRegistration()
- setUseTexture()
- update()
- height
- width