class methods
- ofxCvHaarFinder()
- ~ofxCvHaarFinder()
- draw()
- findHaarObjects()
- getHeight()
- getWidth()
- setNeighbors()
- setScaleHaar()
- setup()
ofxCvHaarFinder allows you to check an image for a match to a Haar classifier. The Haar Classifier is a data file generated from a training process where an application is "taught" how to recognize something in different contexts. This can be things like recognizing whether a certain sound is a word being spoken by a user, whether a gesture is a certain shape, or, in the image shown below, whether a pattern of pixels constitute a face.
A very basic set-up of an application using ofxCvHaarFinder would look like so:
app::setup() {
haarFinder.setup("haarcascade.xml"); // must be in /data/
app::update() {
app::draw() {
for(int i = 0; i < haarFinder.blobs.size(); i++) {
ofDrawRectangle( haarFinder.blobs[i].boundingRect );
ofxCvHaarFinder::ofxCvHaarFinder(const ofxCvHaarFinder &finder)
Copy constructor.
void ofxCvHaarFinder::draw(float x, float y)
Draws any detected objects to the screen with a rectangle, like so:
int ofxCvHaarFinder::findHaarObjects(const ofxCvGrayscaleImage &, int x, int y, int w, int h, int minWidth=0, int minHeight=0)
Takes an input ofxCvGrayscaleImage object and allows you to set the minimum width and height of areas that should be returned and a region of interest as an ofRectangle that you would like to limit haar finding to.
int ofxCvHaarFinder::findHaarObjects(const ofxCvGrayscaleImage &input, int minWidth=0, int minHeight=0)
Takes an input ofxCvGrayscaleImage object and allows you to set the minimum width and height of areas that should be returned.
int ofxCvHaarFinder::findHaarObjects(const ofxCvGrayscaleImage &input, ofRectangle &roi, int minWidth=0, int minHeight=0)
Takes an input ofxCvGrayscaleImage object and allows you to set the minimum width and height of areas that should be returned and a region of interest as an ofRectangle that you would like to limit haar finding to.
grayImage = colorImg; // convert our color image to a grayscale image
for(int i = 0; i < faceFinder.blobs.size(); i++) {
ofRectangle roi = faceFinder.blobs[i].boundingRect;
eyeFinder.findHaarObjects(grayImage, roi);
int ofxCvHaarFinder::findHaarObjects(ofImage &input, int minWidth=0, int minHeight=0)
Takes an input ofImage object and allows you to set the minimum width and height of areas that should be returned.
int ofxCvHaarFinder::findHaarObjects(ofPixels &input, int minWidth=0, int minHeight=0)
Takes an input ofPixels object and allows you to set the minimum width and height of areas that should be returned.
float ofxCvHaarFinder::getHeight()
Returns the height of the image area that is being examined.
float ofxCvHaarFinder::getWidth()
Returns the width of the image area that is being examined.
void ofxCvHaarFinder::setNeighbors(unsigned int neighbors)
Minimum number (minus 1) of neighbor rectangles that makes up an object. All the groups of a smaller number of rectangles than min_neighbors-1 are rejected. If min_neighbors is 0, the function does not any grouping at all and returns all the detected candidate rectangles, that might be useful if you want to do a customized grouping.
void ofxCvHaarFinder::setup(string haarFile)
This loads a Haar cascade file into the finder. This needs to be done before the Haar finder can be used with images.
ofxCvBlob blobs
ofxCvBlob ofxCvHaarFinder::blobs
Last updated 토요일, 17 8월 2024 20:45:50 UTC - 99bfb4fd7929e233b87b05758efc36f91505592e
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