class methods
- ofxKinect()
- ~ofxKinect()
- clear()
- close()
- draw()
- drawDepth()
- enableDepthNearValueWhite()
- getAccelPitch()
- getAccelRoll()
- getColorAt()
- getCurrentCameraTiltAngle()
- getDepthPixels()
- getDepthPixelsRef()
- getDepthTextureReference()
- getDeviceId()
- getDistanceAt()
- getDistancePixels()
- getDistancePixelsRef()
- getFarClipping()
- getHeight()
- getMksAccel()
- getNearClipping()
- getPixels()
- getPixelsRef()
- getRawAccel()
- getRawDepthPixels()
- getRawDepthPixelsRef()
- getSensorCameraDistance()
- getSensorEmitterDistance()
- getSerial()
- getTargetCameraTiltAngle()
- getTextureReference()
- getWidth()
- getWorldCoordinateAt()
- getZeroPlaneDistance()
- getZeroPlanePixelSize()
- hasAccelControl()
- hasCamTiltControl()
- hasLedControl()
- init()
- isConnected()
- isDepthNearValueWhite()
- isDeviceConnected()
- isFrameNew()
- isFrameNewDepth()
- isFrameNewVideo()
- listDevices()
- nextAvailableId()
- nextAvailableSerial()
- numAvailableDevices()
- numConnectedDevices()
- numTotalDevices()
- open()
- setCameraTiltAngle()
- setDepthClipping()
- setLed()
- setRegistration()
- setUseTexture()
- update()
Documentation from code comments
wrapper for a freenect kinect device
void ofxKinect::clear()
void ofxKinect::close()
Documentation from code comments
close the connection and stop grabbing images
void ofxKinect::draw(float x, float y, float w, float h)
Documentation from code comments
draw the video texture
void ofxKinect::drawDepth(float x, float y, float w, float h)
Documentation from code comments
draw the grayscale depth texture
float ofxKinect::getAccelPitch()
Documentation from code comments
get the current pitch (x axis) & roll (z axis) of the kinect in degrees
useful to correct the 3d scene based on the camera inclination
float ofxKinect::getCurrentCameraTiltAngle()
Documentation from code comments
get the current angle
unsigned char * ofxKinect::getDepthPixels()
Documentation from code comments
get the pixels of the most recent depth frame
grayscale values
ofPixels & ofxKinect::getDepthPixelsRef()
Documentation from code comments
get the pixels of the most recent depth frame
grayscale values
ofTexture & ofxKinect::getDepthTextureReference()
Documentation from code comments
get the grayscale depth texture
float ofxKinect::getDistanceAt(int x, int y)
Documentation from code comments
get the calulated distance for a depth point
float * ofxKinect::getDistancePixels()
Documentation from code comments
get the distance in millimeters to a given point as a float array
ofFloatPixels & ofxKinect::getDistancePixelsRef()
Documentation from code comments
get the distance in millimeters to a given point as a float array
ofPoint ofxKinect::getMksAccel()
Documentation from code comments
axis-based gravity adjusted accelerometer values
from libfreeenect:
as laid out via the accelerometer data sheet, which is available at
ofPixels & ofxKinect::getPixelsRef()
Documentation from code comments
get the video pixels reference
unsigned short * ofxKinect::getRawDepthPixels()
Documentation from code comments
raw 11 bit values
ofShortPixels & ofxKinect::getRawDepthPixelsRef()
Documentation from code comments
raw 11 bit values
float ofxKinect::getSensorCameraDistance()
Documentation from code comments
get the distance between the IR sensor and the RGB camera in cm
float ofxKinect::getSensorEmitterDistance()
Documentation from code comments
get the distance between the IR sensor and IR emitter in cm
string ofxKinect::getSerial()
Documentation from code comments
get the unique serial number returns an empty string "" if not connected
NOTE: currently, libfreenect returns a serial number with all 0s for kinect models > 1414, so this will only work with the original xbox kinect
float ofxKinect::getTargetCameraTiltAngle()
Documentation from code comments
get the target angle (if the camera is currently moving)
ofTexture & ofxKinect::getTextureReference()
Documentation from code comments
get the video (ir or rgb) texture
ofVec3f ofxKinect::getWorldCoordinateAt(int cx, int cy)
Documentation from code comments
calculates the coordinate in the world for the depth point (perspective calculation)
center of image is (0.0)
float ofxKinect::getZeroPlaneDistance()
Documentation from code comments
get the focal length of the IR sensor in mm
float ofxKinect::getZeroPlanePixelSize()
Documentation from code comments
get the size of a single pixel on the zero plane in mm
bool ofxKinect::isConnected()
Documentation from code comments
is the connection currently open?
bool ofxKinect::isDeviceConnected(int id)
Documentation from code comments
is a device already connected?
bool ofxKinect::isFrameNew()
Documentation from code comments
is the current frame new?
int ofxKinect::nextAvailableId()
Documentation from code comments
get the id of the next available device, returns -1 if nothing found
string ofxKinect::nextAvailableSerial()
Documentation from code comments
get the serial number of the next available device, returns an empty string "" if nothing found
int ofxKinect::numAvailableDevices()
Documentation from code comments
get the number of available devices (not connected)
int ofxKinect::numConnectedDevices()
Documentation from code comments
get the number of currently connected devices
int ofxKinect::numTotalDevices()
Documentation from code comments
get the total number of devices
bool ofxKinect::open(int id=-1)
Documentation from code comments
open the connection and start grabbing images
set the id to choose a kinect, see numAvailableDevices() if you don't set the id (ie id=-1), the first available kinect will be used
note: this is the freenct bus id and may change each time the app is run
bool ofxKinect::open(string serial)
Documentation from code comments
open using a kinect unique serial number
NOTE: currently, libfreenect returns a serial number with all 0s for kinect models > 1414, so this will only work with the original xbox kinect
void ofxKinect::setDepthClipping(float nearClip=500, float farClip=4000)
Documentation from code comments
set the clipping planes for the depth calculations in millimeters
these are used for the depth value (12bit) -> grayscale (1 byte) conversion ie setting a short range will give you greater sensitivity from 0-255
default is 50cm - 4m note: you won't get any data < 50cm and distances > 4m start to get noisy
void ofxKinect::setLed(ofxKinect::LedMode mode)
Documentation from code comments
set the current led color and/or blink mode, only applied while the kinect is open
void ofxKinect::setRegistration(bool bUseRegistration=false)
Documentation from code comments
calibrates the depth image to align with the rgb image, disabled by default
call this before open(), has no effect while the connection is running
note: this calculation uses some cpu, leave off if not needed
void ofxKinect::setUseTexture(bool bUse)
Documentation from code comments
enable/disable frame loading into textures on update()
void ofxKinect::update()
Documentation from code comments
updates the pixel buffers and textures
make sure to call this to update to the latest incoming frames
Last updated 화요일, 19 11월 2024 17:23:54 UTC - 2537ee49f6d46d5fe98e408849448314fd1f180e
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