Documentation from code comments
wrapper for material color properties and other settings
customUniforms: adds some uniforms to the shader so they can be accessed from the postFragment function
postFragment: Adds a function to the material shader that will get executed after all lighting and material calculations
The source passed has to include a function with the signature:
vec4 postFragment(vec4 localColor){ return localColor; }
which will receive the final color after calculating all the lights and material and can modify it and return a new color
The function has access to the following variables:
vec2 v_texcoord; // texture coordinate
vec3 v_normal; // normal at this fragment
vec3 v_transformedNormal; // normal multiplied by the normal matrix
vec3 v_eyePosition; // position of this fragment in eye coordinates
vec3 v_worldPosition; // position of this fragment in world coordinates
vec4 v_color; // color interpolated from the vertex colors
SAMPLER tex0; // the bound texture if there's any
vec4 mat_ambient; // material ambient color
vec4 mat_diffuse; // material diffuse color
vec4 mat_specular; // material specular
vec4 mat_emissive; // material emissive
float mat_shininess; // material shininess
vec4 global_ambient; // global ambient light
mat4 modelViewMatrix; // model view matrix
mat4 projectionMatrix; // projection matrix
mat4 textureMatrix; // texture matrix
mat4 modelViewProjectionMatrix; // model view projection matrix
MAX_LIGHTS // the total number of lights in the scen
And an array of lights each light has the following properties:
float lights[i].enabled;
vec4 lights[i].ambient;
float lights[i].type; // 0 = pointlight
// 1 = directionlight
// 2 = spotlight
// 3 = area
vec4 lights[i].position; // where are we
vec4 lights[i].diffuse; // how diffuse
vec4 lights[i].specular; // what kinda specular stuff we got going on?
// attenuation, how the light attenuates with the distance
float lights[i].constantAttenuation;
float lights[i].linearAttenuation;
float lights[i].quadraticAttenuation;
// only for spot
float lights[i].spotCutoff;
float lights[i].spotCosCutoff;
float lights[i].spotExponent;
// spot and area
vec3 lights[i].spotDirection;
// only for directional
vec3 lights[i].halfVector;
// only for area
float lights[i].width;
float lights[i].height;
vec3 lights[i].right;
vec3 lights[i].up;
Last updated 토요일, 17 8월 2024 20:47:26 UTC - 99bfb4fd7929e233b87b05758efc36f91505592e
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