class methods
- ofCylinderPrimitive()
- ~ofCylinderPrimitive()
- getBottomCapIndices()
- getBottomCapMesh()
- getCapped()
- getCylinderIndices()
- getCylinderMesh()
- getHeight()
- getRadius()
- getResolution()
- getResolutionCap()
- getResolutionHeight()
- getResolutionRadius()
- getTopCapIndices()
- getTopCapMesh()
- set()
- setBottomCapColor()
- setCapped()
- setCylinderColor()
- setHeight()
- setMode()
- setRadius()
- setResolution()
- setResolutionCap()
- setResolutionHeight()
- setResolutionRadius()
- setTopCapColor()
This class extends others, you can call their methods on an instance of ofCylinderPrimitive too:
The ofCylinderPrimitive allows you to create an cylinder mesh.
Like all primitives it allows you to set the size, for the cylinder a radius and height, draw it, set positions, etc, as a simple example:
void setup()
cylinder.set( cylinderRadius, cylinderHeight );
void draw()
cylinder.setPosition(ofGetWidth()*.2, ofGetHeight()*.75, 0);
cylinder.rotate(spinX, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
cylinder.rotate(spinY, 0, 1.0, 0.0);
// get all the faces from the icoSphere, handy when you want to copy
// individual vertices or tweak them a little ;)
vector<ofMeshFace> triangles = cylinder.getMesh().getUniqueFaces();
// now draw
To draw a texture over any primitive, simply bind the ofTexture instance and then draw your primitive:
// now draw
ofCylinderPrimitive::ofCylinderPrimitive(float radius, float height, int radiusSegments, int heightSegments, int capSegments=2, bool bCapped=true, ofPrimitiveMode mode=OF_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP)
void ofCylinderPrimitive::set(float radius, float height, int radiusSegments, int heightSegments, int capSegments=2, bool bCapped=true, ofPrimitiveMode mode=OF_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP)
void ofCylinderPrimitive::setResolution(int radiusSegments, int heightSegments, int capSegments=2)
Last updated 토요일, 17 8월 2024 20:46:03 UTC - 99bfb4fd7929e233b87b05758efc36f91505592e
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