global functions
void ofDrawArrow(const glm::vec3 &start, const glm::vec3 &end, float headSize=0.05f)
Documentation from code comments
Draws an arrow with the current color.
This function draws an arrow from a start (tail) point to an end (head) point, with a conical arrowhead at the end point. The arrow is drawn in the current color (e.g. set with ofSetColor).
ofVec3f arrowTailPoint (0,0,0);
ofVec3f arrowHeadPoint (100, 150,0);
ofDrawArrow(arrowTailPoint, arrowHeadPoint, 20.0);
start The start point (tail) of the arrow, expressed as an ofVec3f.
end The end point (head) of the arrow, expressed as an ofVec3f.
headSize The size of the arrowhead.
void ofDrawAxis(float size)
Documentation from code comments
size The size at which to draw the axes.
void ofDrawGrid(float stepSize=1.25f, size_t numberOfSteps, bool labels=false, bool x=true, bool y=true, bool z=true)
Documentation from code comments
Draws grid planes representing the current reference frame.
This function draws a set of three double-ended grid planes centered at the origin. Parameters allow each of the grid planes (yz,xz, and xy) to be turned on or off. Optionally, the function can include white numeric labels for grid subdivisions. (Numeric labels are drawn using ofDrawBitmapString internally.)
The yz plane (at x=0) is drawn in red. The xz plane (at y=0) is drawn in green. The xy plane (at z=0) is drawn in blue.
stepSize distance between (parallel) lines on the grid
numberOfSteps number of lines to draw on each side of the central axis of the grid. A number of 8 will draw 8 lines on each side of the central axis, plus one line at the central axis.
labels Whether or not labels are drawn.
x Whether or not the yz plane (at x=0) is drawn.
y Whether or not the xz plane (at y=0) is drawn.
z Whether or not the xy plane (at z=0) is drawn.
void ofDrawGridPlane(float stepSize=1.25f, size_t numberOfSteps, bool labels=false)
Documentation from code comments
Draws the YZ grid plane representing the current reference frame.
This function draws the YZ grid plane, at x=0, in a double-ended manner centered at the origin. Optionally, the function can include white numeric labels for grid subdivisions. (Numeric labels are drawn using ofDrawBitmapString internally.) The grid is drawn with the current color (i.e. set with ofSetColor).
stepSize distance between (parallel) lines on the grid
numberOfSteps number of lines to draw on each side of the central axis of the grid. A number of 8 will draw 8 lines on each side of the central axis, plus one line at the central axis.
labels Whether or not labels are drawn.
void ofDrawRotationAxes(float radius, float stripWidth, int circleRes=60)
Documentation from code comments
This function renders a set of 3 axis-aligned circular bands, centered at the origin.
radius The radius of the circular bands.
stripWidth The width of the circular bands. The default is 10 units.
circleRes The resolution of the circular bands. The default is 60 segments.
Last updated 토요일, 17 8월 2024 20:48:10 UTC - 99bfb4fd7929e233b87b05758efc36f91505592e
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