class methods
- addLeadingSlash()
- addTrailingSlash()
- createEnclosingDirectory()
- getAbsolutePath()
- getBaseName()
- getCurrentExeDir()
- getCurrentExePath()
- getCurrentWorkingDirectory()
- getEnclosingDirectory()
- getFileExt()
- getFileName()
- getPathForDirectory()
- getUserHomeDir()
- isAbsolute()
- join()
- makeRelative()
- removeExt()
- removeTrailingSlash()
Documentation from code comments
Static class for working with file path strings.
string ofFilePath::addLeadingSlash(const filesystem::path &path)
Documentation from code comments
Prepend path with a slash, ie. "images" -> "/images".
path file or directory path
Returns: slah + path
string ofFilePath::addTrailingSlash(const filesystem::path &path)
Documentation from code comments
Append path with a slash, ie. "images" -> "images/".
path directory path
Returns: path + slash
bool ofFilePath::createEnclosingDirectory(const filesystem::path &filePath, bool bRelativeToData=true, bool bRecursive=true)
Documentation from code comments
Create the enclosing parent directory of a path, ie. "images" is the enclosing directory of "duck.jpg" = "images/duck.jpg".
Assumes the path is in the data folder & automatically creates nested directories as required.
bRecursive set to false to override automatically nested directory creation
bRelativeToData set to false if you are working with paths that are not in the data folder and want the direct path without relative "../../"
Returns: true if the enclosing directory was created
string ofFilePath::getAbsolutePath(const filesystem::path &path, bool bRelativeToData=true)
Documentation from code comments
Get the absolute, full path for a given path, ie. "images" -> "/Users/mickey/of/apps/myApps/Donald/bin/data/images".
path file or directory path
bRelativeToData set to false if you are working with paths that are not in the data folder and want the direct path without relative "../../"
Returns: absolute path
string ofFilePath::getBaseName(const filesystem::path &filePath)
string baseName = ofFilePath::getBaseName("/path/to/your-file.ext");
// baseName = "your-file"
Documentation from code comments
Get a file name without its extension, ie. "images/duck.jpg" -> "duck" and "images/some/folder" -> "folder"
filePath file path
Returns: basename
string ofFilePath::getCurrentExeDir()
Documentation from code comments
Get the full path to the application's parent directory.
Windows & Linux: the application's parent directory Mac: the Contents/MacOS folder within the application's .app bundle
Returns: current executable directory
string ofFilePath::getCurrentExePath()
Documentation from code comments
Get the full path to the application's executable file.
Mac: the binary within the application's .app bundle Contents/MacOS dir Windows: the .exe Linux: the binary file itself
Returns: current executable path
string ofFilePath::getCurrentWorkingDirectory()
Documentation from code comments
Get the full path to the app's current working directory.
This may be the app's parent directory or the location the app was launched from (aka on the commandline).
Warning: This location may change if you or a library calls the cd() std C function.
Returns: current working directory
string ofFilePath::getEnclosingDirectory(const filesystem::path &filePath, bool bRelativeToData=true)
Documentation from code comments
Get the enclosing parent directory of a path, ie. "images/duck.jpg" -> "images", assumes the path is in the data directory.
filePath file path
bRelativeToData set to false if you are working with paths that are not in the data folder and want the direct path without relative "../../"
Returns: enclosing directory
string ofFilePath::getFileExt(const filesystem::path &filename)
string ext = ofFilePath::getFileExt("/path/to/your-file.jpg");
// ext = "jpg"
Documentation from code comments
Get the extension of a filename, ie. "duck.jpg" -> "jpg".
filename file path
Returns: filename extension only
string ofFilePath::getFileName(const filesystem::path &filePath, bool bRelativeToData=true)
string fN = ofFilePath::getFileName("/path/to/your-file.ext");
// fN = "your-file.ext"
Documentation from code comments
Get the filename of a given path by stripping the parent directories ie. "images/duck.jpg" -> "duck.jpg", assumes the path is in the data folder.
filePath file path
bRelativeToData set to false if you are working with paths that are not in the data folder and want the direct path without relative "../../"
Returns: filename
string ofFilePath::getPathForDirectory(const filesystem::path &path)
Documentation from code comments
Cleaned up a directory path by adding a trailing slash if needed.
For Windows-style path strings using "\", a "\" will be added. For Unix-style path strings using "/", a "/" will be added.
path directory path
Returns: cleaned path + trailing slash (if needed)
string ofFilePath::getUserHomeDir()
Documentation from code comments
Get the absolute path to the user's home directory.
Mac OSX: /Users/
Returns: home directory path
bool ofFilePath::isAbsolute(const filesystem::path &path)
Documentation from code comments
Check if a path is an absolute (aka a full path), ie. "images" -> false, "/Users/mickey/of/apps/myApps/Donald/bin/data/images" -> true.
path file or directory path
Returns: true if the path is an absolute path
string ofFilePath::join(const filesystem::path &path1, const filesystem::path &path2)
Documentation from code comments
Create a single path by joining path1 & path2 using a slash, ie. "/hello/world" + "foo/bar" -> "/hello/world/foo/bar".
path1 left half of the path to join
path2 right half of the path to join
Returns: joined path
string ofFilePath::makeRelative(const filesystem::path &from, const filesystem::path &to)
Documentation from code comments
Make one path relative to another, ie. the relative path of "images/felines/lions" to "images/felines/tigers" is "../tigers".
from starting path
to destination path
Returns: relative path
string ofFilePath::removeExt(const filesystem::path &filename)
Documentation from code comments
Remove extension from a filename, ie. "duck.jpg" ->"duck".
filename file path
Returns: filename without extension
string ofFilePath::removeTrailingSlash(const filesystem::path &path)
Documentation from code comments
Remove a path's trailing slash (if found), ie. "images/" -> "images".
path directory path
Returns: path minus trailing slash
Last updated 土曜日, 17 8月 2024 20:48:06 UTC - 99bfb4fd7929e233b87b05758efc36f91505592e
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